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Hi guys :)

Should the mall be open on sundays ?




Should finish the harmony story, hanna, also when will you add the latest cheat codes? I have mobile


Samantha and Sasha deserve a day off

Romen Martin

Maybe only have a few open?


You mind sending me a link to it? Cant find it

mr k

Yes but limit the stores that are open.

Kevin Daley

why would the mall not be open on Sunday? that one of its busiest days. i dont think malls even take a day off to beggin with


Maybe shorter hours on Sundays, but yes open.


In Paris, some malls are open sundays (but not all the stores) (I’m referring here to the « Italie Deux » mall, who is open on sundays. I believe the mall « Les 4 Temps » in La Défense is open too during Sundays (but opening later and closing a little bit earlier). Les Galeries Lafayette, Haussmann are opened every sunday. I really think that, nowadays, malls are opened during Sunday.


I really like this idea of shorter hours. Or during special events (like before Valentine's Day, 1 month before Christmas, maybe with a change in the CG ?).


TBH I like the fact that there's not a lot of stuff to do during the Sunday morning (except going to church :p). Maybe the mall could open during the afternoon ?


Unfortunately the way Rooms are coded it will be either open or closed but there will be no change in opening hours :/