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Hi guys,

As some of you knows Love & Sex is not the only project I am working on.
One of the advantages of being only the game dev and project leader on It is that I still have time to devote to other projects.
Those games will be perks of the Game Master and above tier, after all without you I could not make them :)

And here is the v0.1 demo for the very first one of those : I Am Not A Slut!
It's a female protagonist corruption game, purely a visual novel (no stats) so pretty different from Love & Sex.
In this demo you just get the introduction of the game with no choices (but there will be lots of choices in the first and following chapters), with the first lewd scene of the game.

That demo will probably be released on Itch.io in the coming week.

Enjoy and tell me what you think in the comments!





Adding a female MC to L&S:SB and also making a game that only has a female MC. Why?


Looks like a good start


A question can "She" get Pregnant?


I downloaded zip file.But dont know to install it.So how?


Project dead?


No, it's just taking longer than expected ^^ I shared some art and news about this on my twitter.