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Hi guys,

The new version (18.09.1) should have been out today but I will be forced to delay it until next sunday.
I am still waiting for some critical assets.


Here is the planned content of that version both what is already done and what I still have to do.

- 1 sex scene
- 2 story events
- 2 new date locations
- Dynamic piercings and pubes (don't show on CG yet)
- Four secondary characters that will be dateable later
- Hint system
- Dynamic sexy swimsuit for Sasha
- 2 new backgrounds
I am waiting for some stuff to add:
- 2 sex scenes
- 3 story events
- 2 new backgrounds
- 1 outfit for Samantha
- Secondary character: Ryan
You will have it as soon as I have the assets needed, next sunday at the latest.



Hi, Andrealphus. Nice news. But... what does it mean that Dynamic piercings and pubes are available but don't show on the CGs yet? The coding is done but you are missing the art assets?


It's a little more complex than that, but yes I need the assets, and I also need to redo all the scenes using the new layered image feature of renpy, which is a little time consuming. That means that going forward all scenes will have dynamic piercings/pubes but I will redo the old scenes little by little, I'll probably start by Bree and Samantha as they have less content than Sasha.


Good content, but very little support ((The guy tries. Let's help him? <a href="https://www.patreon.com/KIFT">https://www.patreon.com/KIFT</a>