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Considering the result of the last poll, I wanted to confirm something with you guys.

Would you prefere me to work on Audrey on August or would you like me to add content to Sasha, Bree and Samantha and delay Audrey one month?



If improving content on existing girls won the vote but you already have the art portrait for Audrey then maybe just tease her a little instead of full on content for August? Like just showing her portrait when you go around maybe some basic dialog but no need for content. Sort of like a tease to fans on the new character while focusing on more actual content for the other 3 girls in August. Then by next month you can focus content on Audrey and start teasing Aletta for when she get introduce. I saw a lot of games that do this, showing potential characters around in game but no actual contents/interactions then improving as they go based on fan reaction to them.


That's exactly what I intend to do. If people choose the focus on Sasha/Bree/Samantha option there will be teasers for Aletta and Audrey in the game at the end of August.