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28 October 2023 Update:

I made a video for how to install > https://youtu.be/a8WESfPwlYw?si=o--_PJEv3GdEu5rV

7 October 2023 Update:

  • Now supporting runpod/stable-diffusion:fast-stable-diffusion template as well
  • Redownload install1 . sh and install2 . sh

5 October 2023 Update:

The DreamBooth extension is currently broken. Therefore we are going to use older version of both Automatic1111 SD Web UI and DreamBooth extension that were working perfect as shown in this video : The END of Photography - Use AI to Make Your Own Studio Photos, FREE Via DreamBooth Training

The scripts will download Realistic Vision 5.1 and SD 1.5 base model automatically for you along with best SD 1.5 VAE faile.

How To Use

Here a tutorial video unlisted for how to use : https://youtu.be/-QaJmS_Onts

Register your RunPod account: https://bit.ly/RunPodIO

When you first time setup pod, download attached relauncher.py, enter inside stable-diffusion-webui folder, upload relauncher. py. It will ask you to Overwrite so overwrite. Then restart your pod 1 time. This is only necessary 1 time to prevent permanent relaunching of Automatic1111 Web UI.

Then download install1.sh & install2.sh and upload into workspace.

First we will run install1 . sh file with below command

  • cd /workspace
  • chmod +x install1.sh
  • ./install1.sh

After above install you will get some errors. Ignore them. Below step will fix all errors.

Then we will run install2 . sh file with below command

  • cd /workspace
  • chmod +x install2.sh
  • ./install2.sh

These install 1 and 2 are necessary only 1 time

After restart your pod (turn off and turn on) start your web ui with below command. Otherwise you will get half speed.

  • apt update
  • fuser -k 3000/tcp
  • yes | apt install libcudnn8= libcudnn8-dev= --allow-change-held-packages
  • cd /workspace/stable-diffusion-webui
  • python relauncher.py

Best Settings For This Extension

Best Settings For The END of Photography - Use AI to Make Your Own Studio Photos, FREE Via DreamBooth Training

My Twitter account : https://twitter.com/GozukaraFurkan

Latest Classification Images Datasets Both For Man And Woman


If you get fuser not found error run below

  • apt update
  • apt install psmisc

After part 2 you will see it starts like below


Ec Jep

Thank you again for these great tutorials! I used runpod for the first time today and am using your latest "End of Photography..video settings" and everything is going smoothly and currently performing my second training set. When you close the runpod session i assume all files are deleted so I will make sure to copy the training parameters I used in the json files as well as download all of the chckpts.

Furkan Gözükara

When you close runpod all files will remain. If you delete pod only then they will get deleted. But still you can download everything with runpodctl. And thanks a lot for Patreon support.

Ertan Bıçakçı

fuser -k 3000/tcp always gives an error. Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/0: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/1: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/2: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/4: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/5: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/6: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/7: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/8: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/9: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/10: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/11: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/12: Permission denied Cannot stat file /proc/43/fd/13: Permission denied


Hello and thank you for your videos! I used your instruction from this video (manual installation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_S2kFAefTQ&ab_channel=SECourses After I finish all the steps and try to connect to HTTP Service, it brings me to the page with 502 error. So I just can't get into SD interface. Have tried it multiple times by turning the pod on and off. Tried on two different pods with different GPUs as well. By the way, the HTTP Service button contains Port 3001, not Port 3001, not sure if it should be that way. Is there any way to fix it? I'm a beginner user of Runpod and SD, so maybe there's something simple I'm missing. Thanks!

Furkan Gözükara

It is true. When the Web UI starts at port 3000, we connect it from port 3001 from RunPod proxy I need to see your commands that you executed on your RunPod terminal to help you. you can join discord and write in our Stable Diffusion or Patreon channel


Thanks this post saved me huge amounts of time :)

Nenad Kuzmanovic

Can you make another version of script, which doesn't download models, just install..?