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17 February 2024 Update

  • The installer file updated for the latest version to work with GPU

22 August 2023 Update

Now supports Fast Stable Diffusion template and Roop updated to the latest version with new features. Please read this post carefully. Don't forget to execute very bottom commands after turn off and turn on pod.

Tutorial : How To Use Roop DeepFake On RunPod Step By Step Tutorial With Custom Made Auto Installer Script

Readme file of this tutorial click here

Select template

  • RunPod Fast Stable Diffusion (runpod/stable-diffusion:fast-stable-diffusion)


  • RunPod Stable Diffusion (runpod/stable-diffusion:web-automatic)

Make runtime container disk size at least 20 GB

With my way you will be able to use Stable Diffusion auto1111 and Roop at the same time so you can use codeformer to improve faces as I have shown in this video : Mind-Blowing Deepfake Tutorial: Turn Anyone into Your Favorite Movie Star! PC & Google Colab - roop

Upload the attached auto_install.sh into your workspace folder

Open a new terminal (cmd)

Execute below commands with order

  • chmod +x auto_install.sh
  • ./auto_install.sh

This will install everything fully automatically

You don't have to do above steps anymore once you done them

Then whenever you want to use Roop deepfake

Open a new terminal inside the main Roop folder in your workspace as shown in tutorial video

Execute below commands

  • cd /workspace/roop
  • source ./venv/bin/activate

Then modify your file names in the given below command and hit enter on the opened cmd window

First option will not enhance face

Second option will enhance face automatically

Quality 1 is best quality 100 is worst

  • python run.py -s "face2.png" -t "video3.mp4" -o "face_changed_video.mp4" --keep-frames --keep-fps --temp-frame-quality 1 --output-video-quality 1 --execution-provider cuda
  • python run.py -s "face2.png" -t "video3.mp4" -o "face_restored_video.mp4" --keep-frames --keep-fps --temp-frame-quality 1 --output-video-quality 1 --execution-provider cuda --frame-processor face_swapper face_enhancer

It will generate face_changed_video.mp4 or the file name you give in the main Roop folder. Also you will see frames folder in main Roop folder named as video3 or whatever the video name you have given

For uploading files you can use jupyterlab interface or runpodctl which would be much faster

For runpodctl watch this tutorial :  Ultimate RunPod Tutorial For Stable Diffusion - Automatic1111 - Data Transfers, Extensions, CivitAI 

You can also use

To get example images and videos into your runpod quickly

Then unzip them with

  • 7z x example_roop_dataset.zip

After you have turned off the pod or restarted the pod execute below commands 1 time. Do this after each restart or turned off pod and started again

Copy all and paste and hit enter at once

  • apt update
  • yes | apt-get install -y python3.10-tk
  • yes | apt-get install ffmpeg
  • yes | apt-get install p7zip-full
  • yes | apt install -y libcudnn8= libcudnn8-dev= --allow-change-held-packages



Thịnh Nguyễn

great if you have a tutorial on SimSwap


When I run the "RunPod Stable Diffusion" image it gets stuck on the " syncing venv to workspace" step- does that image not work anymore? Is there anyway it can run on the Fast Stable DIffusion image? That one still works

Furkan Gözükara

hello. i would try on a different pod. this sometimes happens. usually related to the particular pod you are trying. for Fast Stable Diffusion i didnt test but it may not work due to the template it has. did you test it?

Rylan Czuczman

Hello, I used the auto installer and all seemed to work ok - however the video I tried to faceswap with seemed to just have the original face. Do we need to change the quality number in the query example?

AI Squad

Hi! Did you try other models like FaceFusion? Currently, for Faceswaping, do you think Roop is still the best one? I saw there is a new fork called Roop Unleashed, where it seems that they decided to move forward with the evolution of the model. here is the link: https://github.com/C0untFloyd/roop-unleashed

Furkan Gözükara

all is using same 128x128 face swapper model. so difference comes from how to pre or post process. i tried FaceFusion on automatic1111. doing exactly same thing