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24 August 2024 Update

  • Various bugs fixed and code made to be more robust, now all text operations are utf8

  • Overwrite previous app file

Features and How to Use

Download Image_Caption_Editor_v3.zip from attachments.

  • I was having hard time to edit captions of my training images so I developed this super easy and effective to use Gradio app.

  • Entire source code is available so you can edit and improve.

  • So easy to use. Put the folder path into Input Folder Path

  • It will list all the images inside it

  • Select image from Gallery and edit caption and save

  • If you want to display only unprocessed images change Filter Images to Processed

  • It will display all the images that you didn't save their caption yet

  • Also if you want batch options, select the Batch Edit Captions tab

  • In this tab you can add suffix or prefix to all captions in given folder

  • Also you can batch replace words as you wish

  • Match Case and Replace All Occurrences can be selected at the same time

  • Replace All Occurrences is wildcard search so replaces all

  • Do batch operations on a cloned folder to be sure that your original captions will be still backuped

  • Check Word tab makes you able to check out that all of your images contains activation token like ohwx man


  • Tested on Python 3.10 but should work on all Pythons

How To Install

  • For windows run Windows_Install.bat and then run Windows_Start_App.bat

  • For RunPod and Massed Compute follow their instructions text files