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I did a test for one of our supporters. Used one of my older quite a bit overtrained DreamBooth model

Extracted LoRA as you can see yields almost perfect quality. Yes subtly changed but you can get quality with more generations




Nedo Braun

Thanx for this Information! I will check this tonight. What i did is this if my LoRA extraction is not good enough as the full fintetuned model, i create a picture with the LoRA, then send the pic to IMG2IMG, inpaint, and mask the face there AND (important) use the Full Fintetuned Modell. - The Result is incredible

Nedo Braun

i have one question tho, in your lora extract config you use CPU for loading the models and save/load precission to float. I have a 4090 should i use instead Cuda and bf16 ?

Furkan Gözükara

float is best. but i didnt see much difference between bf16 and float. cuda or cpu doesnt matter as long as it fits into vram.