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It's our second week into 2017!! How is everyone?! Hope you're all doing well! For this weeks dirty topic, something I really wanna talk about and always enjoy discussing is; Where do you guys enjoy fucking the most?!
Personally, one of my favourite areas to fuck is in the lavatory - specifically, the cubicles! I've never actually told anyone this before so it actually feels a bit odd, but at some point in my life (probably during pubescent years) I used to watch porn in the toilet (for the privacy) and even fapped there too, haha!
I believe it's because of this early experience that I've developed this kind of fetish towards it. I guess that's how most peculiar fetishes are brought up - because of our childhood experiences (from what I've heard anyway).  
But what I love the most about this location is not only is a public area, but it's so small that you're forced to fiddle around with minimal movement and sound, to avoid being noticed! Imagine you and a random listening to your girl making blowjob noises~ This adds such a great level of thrill, and knowing that it's just the two of us  fucking in a confined (and dirty) room, I don't know man. The hormones are real. LOL. And a blowjob on the toilet, or fucking the girl on the seat is just next level amaze.

SO YEAH! That's something extra I like in my pornos! Hope I didn't weird anyone out talking about this! HAHA, JOKES. I hope I did!!!

The library? The swimming pools? The park??? Let me know in the comments below!

Feel free to suggest topics you guys wanna talk about too! Topics you rarely discuss in real life, or even topics you're too embarassed to talk about! We're all a little kinky inside so don't worry about freaking out!  - I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU!
