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Hi Everyone!

Today, I'd like to have a fun talk about: a team or group of villains you'd like to see in future works! 

Just imagine a team of villains taking turns with your favorite character! using whatever techniques they specialize in! xD

An example of this would be the Shinra Executives from Final Fantasy 7! Starting with Heidegger, he fucks Tifa restlessly while drinking and smoking! moving onto Hojo using his 'test subjects', then onto Scarlet with her bondage equipment! and finally the Vice/President! once her mind and body finally broken! now a pet to Shinra's Executives! x)

~ Let me know what ideas you have! I've left a few examples below to tickle your brains! :)
Have a lovely week everyone! (New character teaser below! Can you guess who it is? x)

There's so many to choose from! Examples include: Shinra Executives (FFVII), Four Heavenly Kings (SFV), Gerudo Thieves (LoZ), League of Villains (MHA) and Gotham Sirens (Batman)!

...New Character Teaser: A Nine-Tailed Fox! Can you guess who it'll be? x)
(Is it Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho?! Ninetails from Pokemon?! Naruto?! Or Renamon from Digimon?! xD)


Darth Xelleon

The White Fang (Sienna Khan, Adam Taurus, Corrsic & Fennic Albain, Ilia Amitola, Adam's lieutenant, Yuma, Trifa


A NINE TAILED FOX YOU SAY? (Don't tease me like this ;_;) lol Edit: saying this cause it's probably not Ran Yakumo, lol


It's gonna be Ahri, isn't it?


The Shinra Execs have Hojo and Scarlet; I don't need more than that. That said a Shadowloo "Killer Dolls Punishment Team" might have promise. Give Juri some sadistic yuri minions. With appropriately formidable toys. Basically almost anything by Yuri Ai that includes Cammy, but minus the torture.


There are so many good options from the Legend of Zelda series and so many possible stories that can be used from it. Could do a fate the the Hylians (the ones trapped on the surface after Skyloft was raised) at the hands of Demise and his minions. A story taking place about a year before the Time Skip is completed in Ocarina of Time with Ganondorf's minions running riot. Or maybe some mask based shenanigans during Majora's Mask. Also a good option is a story with Zant and an imprisoned Zelda and Midna (precursed form). Those are just some of the few that come to my head right away.


The Space Pirates from Metroid - Ridley, Kraid, Mother Brain, etc.


Love it! :D And Juri dominating the team of villains instead of the other way around?! That's even better! xD Thanks for the awesome idea Berettadin!!! (I guess Juri will be the REAL villain in this story! haha! xD) Have a great week Berettadin!


Love it Thanatos! :D And I've been wanting to create works with Zant for the longest time now! xD (I have plans to make Cia get a taste of all the Hyrule bosses! but that time has yet to come! x,D So many bosses! So little time! xD) ...And Majora's Mask x Linkle do I hear you say, from Linkle's story mode? xD Have a great week Thanatos!


digimon- angewomon


Yay for Batman fans! xD Will do my best! x) Thank you Alexx! Have a great week!


Yay for more Batman fans! xD Will do my best! x) Thank you Swordsman! Have a great week!