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...In other news, do we have Fire Emblem fans too? x) ❤



I will never be tired of it


Never really played Kingdom Hearts. But Fire Emblem, I can get behind! (I wish Awakening and Fates were better games.)

Jack Meza

I need more tekken!!! I need my lucky Chloe and Eliza Love DX


I'm here because of it, so hell yeah. *Thumbs up*


Yeah I've never played Kingdom Hearts but I love Fire Emblem.

Darth Xelleon

I'm certainly not tired of Kingdom Hearts, and I do love some Fire Emblem, no shortage of waifus there.


MORE AQUA she’s so adorable and her other selfs

BBC Waifu

For as popular as the series has become...you would be surprised how little porn there is of the series.

Alex J Rios

Man fuck yes more aqua. Why not have larxene on the mix. She would make the perfect futa to fuck aqua


Everyone dose Aqua we need more Kairi or Larxene


I want to see Aqua ! I need Aqua ! I'm assisting you for it .


Would like to see a scenario before the Final Battle where at Yen Sid's tower Ventus and Aqua, after finally reuniting, get to "know each other" after so long apart.


Haha! Perfect setting too! :D Under the stars, outside on the castle beds ❤ "Good morning, Ven ;) ❤" Have a great weekend Meister! :D


Another idea. <a href="https://i.imgtc.com/XA3Lmx6.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgtc.com/XA3Lmx6.jpg</a> Hades in BBS, birth by sleep, and Zack both wanted to screw Aqua. Zack died between it and kh1 so that never came out to anything. As for Hades, had he bested Aqua there's no doubt what his intentions were with her.


no one is tired of kingdom of hearts Aqua to sexy wins every time now I had nothing do with this


HAHAHA!!! I remember that!!! xD That's one of my favourite potential lewdy scenes with Aqua! xD (I can just imagine Hades head flaring up in flames! as he ejaculates inside her or what not! xD) I also love the part where she confronted Vanitus for the second time where I think she called him a creep! xD (A perfect line to say to someone who's dominating you sexually! xD)


Honestly more larxene I havent seen much of her but partnering up with aqua or xion sounds nice


Speaking of Vanitas... in Peter Pan land Aqua passex out after besting him. Vanitas woke up first and could have used her.