Rewards Sent Out Soon! + Health Update 2 (Patreon)
I just wanted to deeply apologize again for the super delayed rewards :(
I'm currently dealing with a bunch of personal life concerns that hasn't allowed me to pick up and send out the rewards. On top of that, the Patreon app has been glitchy for me so I haven't been able to properly respond to you guys.
Nonetheless, I've still been planning future works in my absence for the coming Christmas holidays! (which I probably shouldn't have been, haha) so I hope you look forward to that as much as the late rewards!
I deeply apologize again for my absence (especially for those new here!!! I completely understand how anxious you must be!) and thank you so much for everyone's kind words and amazing patience from the last post! It really made me happy to see everyone's support, and it made me both emotional and thankful still being here today. You guys really are the best! :,)
~ Won't be much longer till I send out the rewards! Expect a huge update in the next post regarding this months content! :)
~ Take care! and See you soon!