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Hi Guys!

I hope everyone's been doing well! Today we have multiple character reveals as well as a cover reveal for this months volumes! :D I hope you guys are looking forward to ittt!!! (My apologies about the late update this week! My recently wrists started aching this week so I had to take a quick break! ><")

~ Without further ado! Let's get rolling! :D

First off! We have the cover reveal for 'Soul Calibur's Sophitia - Nightmare's Reign'! :D In similar fashion to Nightmare's Reign featuring Ivy, this one will take place after one of her in-game endings as well! so make sure you're updated with the story for full effect! ;)

(I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THE COVER!!! I SPENT SO MUCH FREAKING TIME ON THIS ONE :,D The covers always take at least a whole weekend for me to finish! x,D)
And introducing the tormenter for this volume, Astaroth! It's about to get real big and rough for Sophitia! :O (The following images are a work in progress)

Next up! We have the next starring character for 'Tekken's Kazumi - Moonlit Wilderness' - Akuma! The Master of the Fist(ing)! >:D

(You guys are in for some crazy demonic action this month! xD)

And finally, last but not least! We have a sneak peak into this month's third and Special Tekken Volume featuring Asuka! :D I hope you guys are looking forward to it!! 

~ And that's it for today guys! 

More volume announcements early next week! I hope you guys had a good week and have an amazing weekend ahead! I'm gonna take a much needed rest before my hands come off, haha. 

~ Take care guys! See you guys soon! :D ❤



Can't wait for Sophitia!❤ Asuka's looking hot in that pic! 👍

Jack Meza

I agree :D


Me too. That swimsuit fits her very well.

Jack the helper

I see asuka is that mean my request will be granded this time ?😊


Great job this month.