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*Ignore Asuka in the picture~ She's just there because she's beautiful.❤*

Hi guys! Just wanted to update you guys before the weekend some of the characters that you can expect to see down the road! 

The next featured characters for DOA and TEKKEN have already been set into motion so you won't be hearing from them for this post! xD (But feel free to comment who you want to see anyway in the comments below!)

The characters in the image above have been highly requested over the past many months (some with unrelenting demand! xD) Who would you guys like to see next from this list?! Angel from KOF, Sakura from SF, and Tifa from FF are among the top of the crop! Personally, I'm dying for Angel to smuggle me into her breasts. ❤ !!!

>> Let me know who you want to see the most out of this list! <<

If none of the above characters are who you would like to see next, let me know down in the comments below! There are many highly requested characters too, many higher than others! With more request for specific characters, they'll definitely be mentioned again in the next, 'New Challengers' list! :D

Do you want to see Josie from Tekken 7 'baring' Kuma's babies? :D Do you want to see Momiji impregnated like no tomorrow by Hayabusa's dragon? :D Do you prefer Chun-Li over Sakura, to be ravaged by Bison's psycho dick? Let me know in the comments below! 

Have a great weekend everyone! Happy faps!
- *Josie and Momiji lovers, rejoice! ❤ >;D*





Raphael Tan

Really love to see Chun-li, Angel or Tifa :D


Of the list: King. Not on the list Josie (Tekken) (this is my top request), Quistis (FFVIII), Lady (DMC 4), Y.R.P. (FFX-2)

Alex J Rios

Tifa is a must omg she is literally known to be the most attractive woman in video game history coming in at number 2. I hope u make her next pleaseeee

The Claypidgeon

All the choices above are insanely good. Been dying to see Josie and the Kuma setup in the game is too good to ignore! Glad to see you caught on too :)


I'll go with Angel from KOF my main favourite from overall fighting games, but sad it's hard to dominate KOF game system. So here where Angel will be dominated sexually :V As for 2nd It's Josie from tekken hope for ther best works of it CHOBIxPHO !!!! p.s. "I main her on tekken :P". 3rd will be Cammy or Karin from SF, love the character hope for them to give us satisfaction :V will there any vote for this ???

james fernandez

Can you put Tifa getting raped by lozz after beat her. Just asking


Haha! Yay! Then you'll be happy to hear they're all planned for works to come soon! :D Now which one do you think I should do first??? Hehe xD


Did you mean Alice on the list? Haha. King isn't up there! xD But yes, I would love me some Lady too! If you like Josie, you're gonna be in for a treat! :D ❤


Haha! Yas! Dirty minds unite! ❤ As soon as she KO'ed in front of Kuma, I was like, 'You know what to do next Kuma.' ;) All the dirty pairings in the T7 endings too good to pass up! Haha


YASS!!! Angel!! ❤ AND JOSIE TOO! GOOD PICKS MY FRIEND! She is my current pocket character, second to Asuka! xD Karin too ❤ You can see her panty lines when she falls from getting hit by a fire move in SFV :D Just a random not of perverted observation, haha! #noshame. This is basically the voting part for now :) I'll set up a poll if needed later the month :)


Omg, that's a great idea!!! I've always thought about that during the movie! (Yes, I'm perverted 24/7, #noshame, haha!). I'll definitely keep that in mind for Tifa!!! Thanks for the hot recommendation! ;)


Tifa and Cloud romance. And LIMIT BREAK!! :D I would love to see a more adult version of Tifa than the teen face in the promo. Unless you have a teen cloud model. :)


Chun Li with Vega showing who's BOSS villain. I quite like muscle men with masks as villains. If I'm feeling twisted, I can pretend I'm the one behind the mask &gt;:D


"Do you want to see Momiji impregnated like no tomorrow by Hayabusa's dragon?" OMG! YES! Ryu is my favorite DOA male. Something HOT about super good ninja landing all the smoking DOA babes and creating super warriors in their bodies &lt;3


Her looking at her rapidly expanding stomach: “Woah?? How does my baby grow so fast?" Ryu: “Heaven’s Dragon Reception. Our spirits need nourishment. Yin needs Yang. Yang needs Yin. My body shoots divine sustenance into your womb, where heaven’s gifts take root. As I possess both human and demon lineage, our love grows far faster in your body then normally possible. It is an honor for us to manifest heaven’s charge in the mating of male and female.”


I want to nestle in a Angel's boobs, too!! So i looking forward to see that Situation (a guy buried his face in her breasts and savor her nipples) and Chun-li's thighs are So~~ Sexy!! it is her symbol. Yeah!


haha! yes! that's my dilemma at the moment! xD it depends on story too, for which model of tifa i choose from too xD


LOL, you sick bastard ❤ That definitely adds to the spice of the sex though! Not knowing who's behind the mask, or what they're about to do to you ❤ The possibilities are endless :D And yes! Vega x Chun-Li sounds good to me! :D


:D ❤ ❤ ❤ !!!!!! Angel be all like, Nyahh!!! That tickles!!! xD Hahaha! And yes, we must make most of Chun-Li's ultimate thickness &gt;:)

Alex J Rios

I was thinking a very veery hot character. How about katarina from tekken 7? She is a beauty


haha! she's definitely considered! xD that busty bitch, always flaring out those wonderful melons of mass destruction ❤ she could have some intense daddy time with gigas, aye?! aye?! &gt;;D ❤


Can I choose any character or just some of them? For example, can I ask Mila or Christie from DoA to appear?:)


As many as you'd like, my man! Of course, I won't be able to get to all of them, haha. Mila and Christie are quite already high on the list! I really want to do Mila personally myself! (In more ways than one! xP) Feel free to suggest yo! ❤

Alex J Rios

Mmm thats not bad. But how about tentacle rape.. im sorry im into that stuff. Love the struggle and it fits her because she is soo bossy


katarina and tentacle rape? sounds good!! we never know: gigas's true form might be a tentacle monster! haha! katarina fending off gigas big body + his giant, veiny tentacles sounds pretty intense, no? xD no??? haha


angel rules! just screw her with all her costumes on. move aside the narrow pantyhose of her chaps and penetrate directly inside her tight pussy!


OH YEAH BABY!!! ❤ You got the right idea!! ;D Can't wait to show you Angel!