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Hey everyone!

It's been a busy couple of weeks, I did take a day or two off to spend with my family, but most of the time was spent plugging away on the game! I've finally finished the main area of The Great Wen and finished a big chunk of Iceceratops!

Live streams should start up in the next few weeks (post to follow with a solid date), and I am still working on getting a playable alpha out soon. It will be the whole level "Cajun Mob Bog"!

Each copy of the alpha will be watermarked with your name (for security reasons).  As such, could I please request that those at the $5 tester tier who would like to take part in the first test comment on this post that you are interested so I can get a finalised list drawn up?

Thanks everyone, and happy new year!




I'm game :)


Count me in. I'm really looking forward to the alpha. :D