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A new reference for my girl Zola, Bonika's friend.




Phenomenal, as always.


Lovely design!

Lemonade Rat

Its good to see Zola again as I’ve always liked her design, mainly because I have a thing for goths and goats. The skulls on her stockings are a nice detail, their pointy little horns are really cute and seeing her in that dress whilst wielding knife is reminiscent of American Mcgee’s Alice games. The scarring on Zola’s back is still a very intriguing characteristic of her’s as Bonika shares similar scars.


Thank you! I used all these elements to create the right impression about her and I am pleased that they are noticeable. Zola connects a lot with Bonika, so they have a lot in common. I'm looking forward to telling this story in the future after Dark Green!