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I am so proud that I have mastered the first 20 pages of history! This is the introduction of the story and the end of the first act.
I didn't think I could go this far, but it all became possible thanks to your huge support!

Thank you all so much! :3

Below you can discuss the first act of the story, share your impressions and your thoughts.
I am very interested in feedback!



John Fox

Поздравляю! Первые 20 страниц получились отличными! Каждый раз когда ты выкладывал новую страницу, я поражался уровнем детализации и очень тщательному вниманию к деталям. Вселенная интересная, хочется узнать о ней больше нового. Каждый персонаж обладает своим уникальным характером и чувствуется что они обладают очень интересной историей. Ну и фансервис на высочайшем уровне) С нетерпением жду продолжения!

Skjido G.

You are doing a good job keeping the story interesting. I always hope to find more of the story each time I open Patreon and I understand it's utterly impossible. It must take lots and lots of time/energy making a page of such quality. You got me hooked to know more about Iriska. She is one of my favourite characters of yours. Keep up the nice work <3


I've been really interested in watching the story unfold and look forward to each new page.


I'm really looking forward to seeing where this story goes.

Micle Alexandru

Lovely. Simply lovely. Kinky where it counts, but hey, it's integral to the story, right?


I am exceptionally proud of you, Boni. You are creating here one of the arguably highest quality furry comics I ever stumbled across. The story is engaging, the love for details real and the lewd details tastefully spread only adding to the story and not taking away. And to add further proof to its success just look at your community. How many fan characters got already drawn, fanart and and. Cheers!

Lemonade Rat

I’m loving it so far. I really like your creative approach to story telling. The pacing is perfect and your panel/scene framing is wonderfully imaginative. It manages to be a playful, kinky and at times tense comic as you’ve blended these elements masterfully throughout the story. Plus, its a very cinematic comic and I’m hooked on the narrative. The world feels lived in as its vibrant yet mysterious and your backgrounds are beautifully detailed. Also, Its nice to see a lot of your characters together in the same setting, especially the chemistry between Lana and Iriska, their so cute. I can’t wait for more.


Woah seeing the pages together I realized the “Help Me” card, at first I wasn’t sure where it came from I love this comic and I love your art style, it flows so well! I can’t wait to see what else you have coming for the comic ✌️


Thank you! I am very pleased to hear that the story is interesting! And it really requires a lot of energy. But the support helps me to continue.


Thank you very much! There are really a lot of fanarts! It's amazing! Although I don't feel my comic is one of the best in the furry community, but I try to make it at least of good quality. I hope all the work is worth it


Thank you so much! All these details require a lot of time and effort. I would like to do more and faster, because I really want to tell more. At least I hope that with my long production of pages, the audience will not lose interest. All your support helps me move on


Ok, let me rephrase that. There are surely quite a number of comic artists around who are better in storyboarding, pacing and whatnot. But Name me one comic artist, who draws pages like you do. Remove the speech bubbles and you could make wallpapers out of these beautiful compositions. That is your strength. Your great knowledge about the rules of art and how to use them. <3