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It's time for the story to begin!

There are flyers on the bulletin board that require attention, some attract more than necessary.

New pages will come out within a month, according to my strength and time.
I will also publish high res pages for $8 tier at the beginning of each month.




hmmmmmmmmm I am looking for a new garage ;o


YAY YAY YAY!!! ^0^ I'm so happy it starteeed!! x3 looks so cool :) one day I will start my comics too! :D


I am also very happy that the first page has finally come out! Thank! ^3 I hope you also find time for your project!


First page is a hooded figure Grabbing a wanted poster from the witch board, that always a good sign. Really glad it started to come put! I wish you it'll get received very well!

Teh Pron

Oh hell yes I can’t wait

Lemonade Rat

Lovely start to this comic, the first page alone is beautifully detailed and I adore your use of colures here. The story is already has me intrigued, I can’t wait to see more.


Восхитительное начало, силушек тебе воплотить эту прелесть до самого конца, ты - мололчага :3

Onefoursix Tym

Kind of late to this, but hot damn I'd like to know more about Ms.10,000 shells on the right there.