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Hey, Fuya here. Of course it's me.

This poll is for patrons only. Basically I feel like I'm clueless on which direction I should go when it comes to pushing towards promoting myself on certain social media platforms or online galleries. I feel like such a boomer sometimes.

I'd love to know which platform did you as a patron find me? Just tick on the poll and if you would like to further give more details about it, you can do that in the replies. I will 100% read all of them as that's what I do.

I really appreciate your helps. I would like to know where should I expand. Tumblr purge happened, Facebook has been shitty to me so I stopped using it, fake copyright claims on many places and all, I just... want to know where should I.



Sir, it's very difficult to find a picture that leaves a strong impression on the brain on this stimulating planet called Earth. Even more so... there aren't that many communities and sites that paint and create fictional characters that you find interesting to blend into the reader's imagination. It is unfortunate that there are many people who are bothering readers' desire to buy and writers' desire to create these days.


I'm not sure, but I think it was twitter. If not pixiv.

Reficul Terumi


Corey Tindall

Uncraft world. Jim Sterling did a video on the game and mentioned that you had a Patreon so i joined up.


Went from Reddit > Pixiv > Twitter then Patreon :3


I also remember that the first time I found it on Pixiv was the beginning of the connection. Some people draw amazing illustrations! ↓ Visit this support site ↓ It was to start supporting. I was right to start supporting :)


Oh my god I forgot that game was a thing sometimes. Hearing this brings back memories.


gelbooru and twitter