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So uh

This Lightning Round still can't be concluded after the deadline since the winners from this got the same amount of votes...

So yet again, I extended the end date for another 2 days.

If you have not voted on this Lightning Round yet, please help.

Vote here - https://www.patreon.com/posts/64568081



Will Martin-Foster

Wait, so there's a lightning round for the lightning round?! HOW CAN THERE BE A LIGHTING ROUND FOR THE LIGHTNING ROUND, BUT FIO CAN'T GET MORE THAN 9 VOTES?!


A fierce battle is unfolding ... It's the first time I've seen the votes evenly divided so far MEI is a little dominant at the time of writing this I just hope it will be decided in 2 days


<p style="color: #008600;">Perhaps for me there is no one better than Mei Hatsume. I hope she wins the Lightning Round</p>


Well, it's understandable why they all got the same number of votes, because they are all so cool!


The only viable solution is to draw an abomination of the three characters fused as one. Like an eldritch abomination with anime tiddies. But otherwise I guess I'd vote Mei Hatsume if I *really* have to choose


Where are you?