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Just when I was thinking the last June's batch is already a nightmare (still not done and this is already passing mid July), things get worse due to my own sickness.

I accidentally got this strong back pain 3 days ago when I walked some long distance carrying groceries ("two timers is a loser!" Now I regret that shit...)

It was so strong I had to lay still in bed. Couldn't move an inch during the whole first day. Glad that my GF is by my side and helped taking care of me. I got a little better now as I could move to bathroom and such but I still can't sit or stand up straight (I'm writing this on my phone with the patreon app)

I haven't been working on patreon works for almost 3 days now and this causing a huge delay... I sincerely apologize to all my patrons and supporters. I don't think I could bring out the promised rough Mei (overwatch) piece in June's batch. I will try to finish up the Heroine X piece as soon as I recover enough.

And July's batch would be more hell T_T

I'm sorry for this delay again. Hopefully I could recover some more and get back to work within a couple days or I will really be damned.



No problem. You getting better is what matters.


Visit your gp or physio person. I world recommend using an anti inflammatory gel for your back, one that's usually used for sports injuries. Get well first, then work.


Get well first. This is your top mission right now! The rest can wait.


I can't go out at all lol if I could walk I would visit the hospital. I've been using that kind of gel these past few days and it really helps.


I wasnt mad until i heard you had a gf. Jk get better take all the time you need. I really want to see mei and want to see you better. I could live without mei sketch but you not drawing altogether would be awful lol


Don't worry about it dude. Your health comes first. The pictures can wait :)

Just Passin By

Get better. Your health is more important. I do appreciate very much you letting us know about the delay as that's what creators should do. I know it takes a great amount of skill and time to draw and create those magnificent pieces. I agree with the other patrons, I wouldn't want you to stop drawing all together. I love the way you draw and it would be a damn shame just because you wanted to push yourself to finish the batch. Just focus on your health and take as much time as you need. Glad to know you have someone by your side helping you out in moments like these. I do advice seeking a doctor as soon as you are better to determine if this is something worse or just normal pain that will subside by resting for a couple of days. Anyway, just keep us posted as the days roll by (when you can) and i wish you the best!


Don't worry I hope you will get well soon :)


Hope you well soon, your health is very important so just relax.


I hope you get well and try not to strain yourself too much


Hey take care of yourself! Nothing else matters! It is really no problem if we receive the arts later. Think about making just one batch next month or so to get back in lone. Everyone will understand!!

sad flower

get better man!


I think if you can afford to, you could skip July and start with August again. Because the recent delay will now be a bigger delay, which will delay the next month aswell. If you have a clean start you can work without the pressure of a delay. Anyway, I hope you get better soon and next time take it slowly. *pat pat*


I agree with the above; take whatever time you need to make a complete recovery, and if that means you need to skip July and start fresh with August, then please do. The stress and pressure from continually feeling like your a month behind can just make the situation worse. Good luck, and I hope you feel better!

Erwin Doppler

It's ok, take your time to heal and don't think too much about a delay of your work.


Please, take it easy. I'd rather have late art than a dead artist. 元気でね x_x


Truly enjoy all your art, but take care of yourself! I wouldn't mind going a month without your art if it helped you get better.


It's alright, no worries. Just focus on getting better first. I can wait for your art work after you are fully recovered. It's no biggie at all.