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Hello patrons, I'm really sad to make this announcement. It's kind of a big deal to me, and to some of you as well I'm sure.

TLDR; I got fake Nintendo DMCAs and I can no longer risk making Nintendo inhouse IPs so a lot of my upcoming poll voted winners have to be replaced, Samus on the next batch included. I also listed all the upcoming characters to be replaced down below. I'm really upset about this.


Due to myself having been targeted by the "Fake Nintendo DMCA claims" over the entire 2021, I have been issued the removal of contents from many platforms I'm on. You name them, Patreon, Gumroad, Twitter, etc.

I have reached out to fellow content creators who have been filed a "copyright" of the same sort and we have come to a conclusion that these DMCAs are made by fake individual (the person claims they work for Nintendo and just list the claim source as "Nintendo of America" with the street address of Nintendo HQ copy pasted from the website)

But it really does not matter in the end. This is 100% less about the platforms themselves but rather on how broken the copyright law itself is. Once you are issued DMCA, your content is removed first, questions can be asked later. It's your job to file a counter-claim and wait god knows how many months it would take for any update on the situation. Meanwhile, the contents being targeted can no longer be posted or distributed anywhere.

At the beginning of 2021, I have been targeted hard by this. ALL of the Pokemon and Super Mario contents I have on any platform were issued removal or withheld. If you have been following me on Twitter and going through my timelines, many image tweets are marked as "This media has been removed in response to a report from the copyright holder" which were the results of said "DMCAs."

A couple days ago, I received an update from a counter-claim case I sent to Twitter since February 2021, meaning it has taken them 10 months to progress the issue. Two of the tweets I filed counter-claims have now been ceased withholding, meaning it's proven that the DMCAs are fake from the get go (Also they claimed Bowsette of all the things. Of course it's fucking fake lmfao). As of now, I'm still waiting for more of the update on other of my tweets.

Again, it does not matter. It's safe to say I will no longer be able to make Nintendo (or at least inhouse Nintendo IPs) contents anymore. If the copyright strike piles up enough, I could just get yeeted out of the platform, and I can't risk the content getting removed from Gumroad such after they're distributed any further.

The priority doesn't lie with whether or not the copyright claim is legit, it ends with you getting copyright claimed. That's how screwed this law is.


So yes, that means Samus from the next batch will have to go... As for which character will be replacing her, I will just be choosing that myself. Probably something that is trending at the moment and I want to draw and also does not stray away too far from Samus as a character design. I really can't risk drawing Samus when Metroid Dread is still somewhat trending. That is just asking to get witch hunted.

If you would like to take a look at this upcoming Reward Archive so you can see what's coming up next - https://www.patreon.com/posts/18352902

Below is the list of the characters need to be replaced from each future batches;

  • June 2019 - Samus
  • July 2019 - Sword & Shield Female MC
  • August 2019 - Palutena
  • September 2019 - Cynthia/Shirona
  • October 2019 - Rosa/Mei
  • November 2019 - Marnie/Mary
  • December 2019 - Skyla/Fuuro
  • March 2020 - Bea/Saitou
  • October 2020 - Nessa/Rurina

I am totally disappointed in all of this. It's never meant to happen and I value the poll winners and votes from you guys very highly. I have never minded drawing a character that was popular 2 years ago and so out of trend now, because they were voted by my supporters and waited by many people but I have been battling with this issue through the whole 2021 and it was one of the biggest reason of my art block throughout the year.

It's a shame that I'm forced to do this. I hope it's an understandable situation. I will try my best to not disappoint you all with the replacing characters I have to decide myself.

I wish everyone a great day. We are near the end of 2021. I hope 2022 will be a better year for us all.




I see. Ok.


That sucks, hopefully the person doing it gets caught


Damn, people like that really make me want to go ballistic. People who live to screw other people can fuck right off...into a hole....straight to hell.


Just see that u cover your Butt

Will Martin-Foster

Samus and Nessa were the two I was looking forward to, but there is so much fart of them already, I'm...ok with this. I think this is one reason why tags need to be on posts so that you can access that poll and see who was in it and sorta... readjust? second becomes first, third becomes second, and whoever would have been fourth would get third...unless there was a tie, then it's up for grabs. While I thought it was fishy how only Nintendo characters were targeted on Patreon but yet I keep seeing more and more characters show up on the image sites. You can't be to sure about DMCAs now-a-days, so the fact that you're covering you butt like this is a smart thing.


I actually can still track back to the poll results myself and see who got the 4th places of each replaced batches, but sometimes the 4th place runner already got voted as one of the top 3 for the following batches so that will make it a little weird you know. If it's a recent poll, then I would totally go for even using the 5th place runner for that, but these polls have been long casted. The most recent one was October 2020 and that was over a year ago, so it wouldn't make that much sense to just line up the runner from that time as a replacing reward imo. For your point, I think it's from these people being salty that content creators are earning supports from using their favorite IPs and want to take advantage of the system to ruin their livelihood by targeting their income sources and trying to get the most trigger-happy platform aka Twitter to force perma account suspension on them, effectively ruining a platform for the creators because that would work in a way. Digital artists do use digital social medias to gain exposure so they target that. For image sites, it's totally bs and sometimes these image sites don't even have domains in the US so the US copyright laws can't reach them.

Will Martin-Foster

I'm picking up what you're putting down, and I had just thought about that AFTER I had sent that comment. Damn you're quick on the draw, lol. It would be a complete headache to have to sort through all those polls from x time to current just to see if they won. All that would do, in the long run, is set you back even further when you're trying to catch up. I still say post tags should still be used, but yeah. I'm on both sides of the fence when it comes to artist using existing IPs to make money. Like, it's kinda sketchy, but at the same time, look at many of the auto makers that use a pre-existing body and slap their name on it. The older Cadillac Escalade EXT (before they turned full-sized suv) is just a Chevrolet Avalanche with a different badge. In no way am I judging any artist that does that at all. I'm saying, as a person who is being completely gender neutral in this subject, I see it from both points of view. Hell, I just paid someone to do fart of a Nintendo "character", so that would be super hypocritical of me chastise you, lol. I say image sites, but I guess I'm more including places like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all those other social medias that artist use to host their works.


(っ °Д °;)っ samus nooooo!!!!!/vader it's okay bud we'll survive but what a blow haha. gotta do what you gotta do. (●ˇ∀ˇ●)


Will the new characters only be selected and announced as you catch up to the packages with characters that need to be replaced?


Probably! Since I would like to also look forward to the characters that suddenly becoming trending at the moment of choosing. Of course they must be someone I want to draw as well.