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Hello patrons.

I'm genuinely curious on how did you come across my Patreon, or me in general?
You don't have to reply, just voting on the poll is good enough, but all the comments are appreciate too. I want to talk to you guys some more.

Lately I feel like I'm struggling to reach my audience, like I really mean it. I used to be on so many platforms but lately I have almost cut off everything aside from Twitter and Pixiv, and I recently just started streaming on Twitch so I feel like if my words or arts could reach more people, that would be nice.

In a way, this poll is me asking you guys where could I possibly branch out or return to posting my works.

I should start writing more blog posts here. I said I would do it but I have always forgot.

Hope you all are doing well in this hard time.



I discovered you through Reddit posts of your work, which lead me to your Pixiv, then Patreon account :)


Now that is wild! I didn't expect reddit at all. I guess it's from a specific fandom subreddit and one of my fanart got posted there?


It's been so long I don't quite remember. I know I've seen the Konosuba post before, probably on r/rule34 where someone or a bot posted the source to your Pixiv account. :)


Not often reddit bots do their job well, but I appreciate it this time :)


I can't seem to remember exactly which was first, the details kind of mesh together. I think it might have been an NSFW discord, and I did some reverse Googling, and led me to your Pixiv account.

Reficul Terumi

I remember first seeing your work on Danbooru. Before I knew it, I ended up here. Time flies.


For your effort on looking me up, Kudos! Thank you for being here.


You've been here for quite some time :D My sincere appreciation! I should have included the image sites in the poll now that you mentioned it. Oh well!

Will Martin-Foster

Facebook because of the ecchi pages would post your works, which lead me to Google because they never said who the sause was (back before it became somewhat common practice to say who it was or source link (reverse image search ftw)), which opened the door to damn near all your hidy holes on the internet. The boorus were super convenient.

Will Martin-Foster

Oh, I meant to mention this the other day, but welcome back to twitch and getting affiliate again!


I discovered you from an Uncraft Me video years ago. I think it's the first time I've seen lewd art, lol


Reddit (rule34lol) -> your pixiv -> here


I also learned about FUYA from Pixiv It may be around swimsuit Nero or a little while ago I was impressed that some people draw wonderful illustrations that they like very much.


Reddit. It's where I discovered most awesome artist if was not Twitter or Pixiv.


Thank you!! Oh yeah FB would have all those random animu pages posting fanarts without any credits. It's great that it leads you here though :)


hahaha now that's pretty unique! I don't think Uncraft Me even had a link to my Patreon since I didn't have one at the time. It links to my DA which I assume is where you follow the clue to here.


By rule34lol you mean League of Legends? My league fanarts are pretty old though. That's interesting


Thank you so much ttt-san! I still like my Nero swimsuit piece a lot. I'm glad it does well on Pixiv.


A lot of Reddit leading here, I see. idk if there's any straight up way on an artist promoting themselves on any subreddit though.


I've seen some artists just post their work and in the title mention it's from them with a source link (to twitter/pixiv/etc) as the first comment :)


Yeah those first comment sources are always a pleasure to see.