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Hey folks.

Thank you for still being here supporting me after the massive delay. I promised I will do this at least once a month, so here are this month's share of stuffs!

Twitch Streaming

Though 5-6 years ago I tried putting up a drawing stream on Twitch with a super tame cleavage sketch, nothing actually NSFW going on, the stream got axed almost immediately but I have seen a lot of artists streaming some sexy and borderline NSFW on Twitch lately so may be that is changed more or less?

I've decided to give it a try. Probably will be just on the safe-ish part of the progress and set it to just mature audience.

Follow me on Twitch so you get the notification! >>> https://www.twitch.tv/fuyahana 

I might have to do some test runs first. Will announce it in advance so you guys could join to hang out for a bit. I don't have mic tho, but will chat a lot.

Gundam 0079 & Mobile Suit Breakdown Podcast

So I just finished re-watching the original 0079 Mobilesuit Gundam and I might as well consider it my first time watching since I forgot most of it and I originally watched it on TV and skipped a lot of episodes since you know, kids gotta school. The show is so damn old.

And it's such a great show. The fact that I got introduced to this passionate podcast called Mobile Suit Breakdown really helps boosting the enjoyment of this rewatching. The podcast is about analyzing Gundam shows and real historical warfare, human psychology, science, etc. and how they're related. It's an enlightening experience so shout out to them.

Here's their website. Give it a try. They're SO GOOD at what they're doing. >>>  https://gundampodcast.com/ 

Let's Fight A Boss Podcast

While we're talking about podcast, let's shoutout to my favorite gaming podcast ever, Let's Fight A Boss, or LFAB for short. 

If you're an anime fan and watch Youtube videos, you may as well stumble upon this great anime content creator called Super Eyepatch Wolf sometimes and LFAB podcast is him with two other good friends, Bryan and Niamh and they are amazing fellas who make such enjoyable contents. I've been their fan and supporter of this podcast for a few years now and every episode has been delightful.

Here's their Youtube channel >>>  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCawXJIKUj2o_tFPMZ4xiXBw 

Hermitcraft Season 7

Not that much of a well known fact but I am a big Minecraft fan and my favorite multiplayer server series to watch has been Hermitcraft for years and Season 7 just started recently and it's been a blessing! Each day I got new things to watch while waiting for the Coronavirus to die off.

Any Hermitcraft fans, or at least Minecraft fans around? Reveal yourselves in the comments please.


Ugh what can I say... I'm so bummed about this. I guess we all are. It affects me less being a shut-in digital artists but stores and shops and food places closing everywhere really makes my life harder. Stay safe guys. Wash your hands. Take a shower often.


Phantasy Star Online 2 just went Open Beta for NA server exclusively on Xbox.... seriously?

I've been waiting for PSO2 NA server news since the day it was announced. It's my girlfriend's most favorite MMORPG ever and I would be so happy to play it with her but we have no plan to buy an Xbox just to play it. It's revealed there will be PC version as well but... why can't they give us any clue on when it's gonna open? 

"Spring 2020" is very vague and there's no confirmation if it's gonna have crossplay or not. Seriously, the game has been on PC as their base platform for 8 years. At least update us something Microsoft.

New Way to Do Lines?

I've been struggling with doing lines for my arts. Long time supporters would have already known since I've talked about it a few times before. 

It's frustrating. Taking 3-4 full days to do just the lining for each pieces is far from ideal. I'm looking for ways to improve on my speed. May be I will try to do them lines a bit... less perfect? Rough and artistic lines look good too.

Thoughts on Patreon's Recent "Anti-Anime" Controversy

I know some of you might exclusively comes into this blog just to see this part. If you're clueless on what the hell happened, google about it. I'm not gonna write an essay to report the news. Here is my thought...

I really don't think Patreon themselves as a whole has come to an agreement that an action is needed to be made to purge the anime arts.

It's just weird that this has happened in the first place. I can guess there's a problem with may be PayPal or some other influence? There is not other explanation that forces them to not explain things further and more clearly this time.

I myself have been reached out to and was mildly suspended once years ago. A staff came to me and asked nicely if I could set some of the posts that seem problematic to Patrons-Only and remove all the links to my NSFW Twitter and Pixiv. Basically they wanted all sexy stuffs not shown in public, which is very understandable. I spent a whole night digging through my years of Patreon posts and hid them one by one, but they still could pinpointed to me about some few other left out posts that could generate problems and asked me yet again to either remove or hide them. I was surprised on how thorough they went in order to make sure the pages are safe. 

That was the reason I had to start posting separated versions of each pieces. One heavily censored for super safe public post just for the sake of announcement on the completion and one Patrons-Only version. That was a few years back.

But now it's just... too blatant. I'm still amazed how far that went. The phrase they used "The face looks too young" seems totally unjustified. Even DeviantArt police staff wouldn't go that far. If the character age is canonically legal, the piece would be greenlighted no matter what kind of artstyle they have (unless it's the obvious 1000 years old super loli body cases) When Patreon's guideline has been left vague for rooms of interpretion and improvisation since the beginning. It's strange how they suddenly came out and point out hey your artstyle looks underage. It just contradicts with every move they have ever made. They have NEVER even try to be slightly specific before up until that happening.

The fact that they admitted monitoring artists' social medias is also super wack. I'm sure most platforms do that, too but they don'e say it out loud. The fact that a Patreon staff did is SUPER WEIRD.

So I got the impression that it's a human error... or I at least hope it is. We don't know which staff (or staffs) made that accusation on the cases and at this point they're too afraid to admit what the issue is. The Twitter admin who decided it's a good idea to hide the replies clearly doesn't have enough experience with internet dramas as well and it does not help one bit.

It's sad that, whether it's legit or a mistake, this incident happens to affect a lot of anime artists on Patreon and its supporters. I'm sure it affects you guys, too as much as it affects me.

I'm still trying to stay calm and look out for more clue and you guys should, too. Remember though, banning their golden gooses is the last thing they want to do. There must be a reason for it so the best thing to do right now for everyone is to do nothing until the real statement has been made. If they really are ban hammering ALL the animes despite how old the character ages are, I would be reached out to as well but as far as I see there has not been anything like that.

Not gonna lie, I'm looking for alternative platform. I have been for years, but it got a little more serious now. I'm looking at Pixiv Fanbox or Fantia as backups. I might invest more time on studying them but don't panic, because I won't.

You guys have a nice day, and my sincere appreciation for supporting my works!


Will Martin-Foster

It might not mean much to many, but it's kinda funny how the PSO2 beta is going live on Xbox and the original PSO, while not exactly a Microsoft system, was on the Dreamcast which was powered by Windows CE...and the only game that really took advantage of it's crossplay was Quake III: Arena.