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Hello fellow patrons :)
Only 5 days left until this poll would be closed, and this is the result so far.

Seems like Yukari Yakumo is leading here with 11 points, followed closely by Sinon and Lili with 9, then Saber with 8.

The vote is still gathering until 25th, so if you still haven't taken part in this poll, please make your action here - https://www.patreon.com/posts/fanart-voting-3082142

Remember that even if the characters would not win, they will still be considered and might get drawn eventually. Or they can still exist in the next month's poll. However, less votes and attention they got, less chance of them staying.

There is 11 days left until the end of the month. I'm thinking of drawing Ahri (League of Legends) as the $500 milestone goal promise, a NSFW sex scene to be the last reward! XD

Oh and the Eyes tutorial is coming up before the end of the month for sure :) It will be included in the reward.




Yukari-sama is the best. d=(´▽`)=b