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Hi everyone.

Ugh... there has been so much trouble and I had not been able to work almost at all for the past two weeks and I did not expect it. I'm so sorry this happened and it sucks.

Basically, the bank that I have my account tied to Paypal is shutting down its service and is merging itself with another bank so things went wild. It's shutting down in a week from now and I could not transfer anymore money I have from my Paypal into my bank account. I need to do some solid document approval in order to deal with this account merging thing. It's so frustrating and it's still not resolved. It has been so annoying...

That and my family dragged me through some sudden business I had to take care of. I just couldn't get myself to get back into working. I hope I could for now. Things are still super messy.

I hope this boobs preview for Jalter is making things a bit better. I'm so sorry for the further delay. Will try my best to wrap this batch up before it goes even worse. I still have to deal with this stupid bank thing while I'm at it.

Hope everyone is having a great day.




I feel you. I'm desperately waiting for the administrative office to file my official work certificate. It's been 5 weeks now D: Just take the time you need to sort things out. We won't be mad :>


Hope that you are doing okay. I can see the pressure and stress on your end. I wish that everything will be carried out smoothly.

Erwin Doppler

I hope everything will be alright don't forget we all love you!

Frank Leo

take your time


It’s understandable, don’t beat yourself up over it. This new piece is looking great too. Hope things turn up for you.


I've been a Patron since I think late May but still haven't figured out how to get your Tier 3 rewards. Please help >.<;;


Hi Foxy Rain! Will send you a message to explain the current system


Nice to meet you.I have joined here few time ago at Tier 3. How can i get your illustrations. I want your illustrations very much.


Nice to meet you! Excuse me, I am also the same as yuki ... I participated in Tier 3 but I do not know how to obtain illustrations, I am waiting for your reply!


Nice to meet you! Im also the same as yuki&Lily.I joined in Tier 2 but I dont know how to get illustrations.I want your very nice illustrations!


Hello Yukiso-san, nice to meet you! I understand and will send you a message as well.