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It's been a while since last time. I haven't been in touch with you guys with the blogs and I think I should do it more often.

  • Post a character of your choice in the comment of this blog. Please limit to just 1 character. I will do more of this again occasionally.
  • State the character's name and name of the series they're from.
  • I will give you a rating along with my short opinion and reason by replying to your comment.
  • If I do not know the character, I'll look them up on google and give my rating and opinion based on just character designs.
  • They can be females, males, traps, genderfluid, or even pokemons if you wish.
  • Please check the comments before you to see if someone else already suggested your character, but this is not required.
  • Please pick a character from existed series. I won't be rating original characters.

Also this blog is viewable by patrons only, so don't be afraid with your waifu choice! I will be replying to comments on this for at least a few days.

You can check the previous RATE YOUR WAIFU BLOGS to see if your waifu might have already been suggested, but you don't have to. If you suggest a waifu that was already rated, I will rate them again but no guarantee the scoring would be the same since I don't remember them all.



Makise Kurisu from Steins Gate


Medusa/Gorgon from Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Grand Order


Ruri Gokou (Kuroneko) from OreImo


Sabrina/Natsume from Pokemon


I haven't watched Steins Gate (I really should) but Kurisu looks great. I've been hearing only good stuffs and I kinda know her personality from the fanarts. 8.5/10


Krystalinda - Dragon Quest Xi.


I like everything on her except the hair. Like damn, everything else looks good except the hair. I'm not a fan of that hair style especially when it's this long. I super dig the blindfold as Medusa's trademark as well. 7.5/10.


Felicia from Fire Emblem Fates!


Kuroneko is 9/10. Best girl in Oreimo. She is just a tad bit too wholesome for me to give her a 10/10.


(Makeela) Riju from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


Best gym leader ever in the pokemon history. 10/10.

Densetsu Meru

Pokemon Sword/Shield female trainer


Hades from Destiny Child <a href="https://i.redd.it/ybgifozn83521.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.redd.it/ybgifozn83521.jpg</a> that's a link for an image because it is a little tricky to find

Draven Shadow

I'll stay classic beauty and say Chun-Li Streetfighter, but tbh I'm really liking the idea of Crystalplanet above me with their choice!😁


oh wow I haven't played DQXI so I wouldn't know this lady. She's quite hot. 8.5/10

Reficul Terumi

Shuten Douji (Fate Grand Order)


Sakura Minamoto from Zombie Land Saga


Shantae from...Shantae. If I had to pick a specific version it would be the Pirate outfit from Pirate’s Curse, although the ninja outfit from Half Genie Hero is pretty cute.


Elesis (Crimson Avenger) from Elsword


I don't normally like this colorful of a palette on a character (dark skin with red hair, green eyes, with green lip is a bit much) and I also don't like her hairstyle but fanarts of her kinda grew on me. 7/10.


I can put her in one of the best looking female protag of all time along side Hilda and Rosa. Her Scottish memes also help. 10/10.


I like DC's Hades a lot (in the skin version, not the original skull, but the skull is awesome but not a waifu material) 9/10.


Chun-li is 10/10 hands down. She gets 10/10 on her original outfit, alpha outfit, and her battle outfit. 10/10 everywhere


9/10. Only thing preventing her from getting a 10 is that her outfit is damn hard to draw.


Haven't watched Zombieland Saga and I should. Sakura looks plain though so I can only give her 7/10 from just her design. I know my opinion will improve as it always happens with these main character in an idol show but since I haven't watched it, only 7/10.


While I'm a fan of Shantae I don't really like her pirate outfit that much. Her Pirate outfit gets 7.5/10. Ninja gets 8.5/10. Her normal outfit from half genie hero is the best imo, that one gets a 9/10.


Best class of Elesis, though I'd appreciate a bit more if the outfit is a bit more revealing since it's supposed to be a dark sexy queen of a concept. 8.5/10


Cocoa from Rabi-Ribi, who is a poverty cat that is my spiritual animal.


Morrigan Asenland (Dark Stalker)


Matou Sakura (Fate/stay night)


Darkness from Konosuba


Revy (Black Lagoon). Especially with that psychotic look on her face while she’s holding big guns.

Sean Lennon

Kojima Kirie from Girls Bravo.


Irisviel von Einzbern(Fate/Grand Order)


Dorothy from the Queen's Gate novels


Mina Ashido, the sweet pink spunky babe from Boku no Hero Academia &lt;3


Mamimi Samejima (FLCL)


Cleric from Bikini Warriors


Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda), no specific game


Too many to choose, love all of the Granblue Fantasy baes, but if I had to choose....Amira half demon form from Rage of Bahamut Genesis.


The thief from D&amp;D: Shadow Over Mystara.


BB from Fate series


PAPYRUS. Nah but really... Hum... Damn, just one. You're giving me one hell of a workout here, dood. You're cruel. Well someone already said Purple Heart from Neptunia in another thread so I'd go for... Nailah from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. That character never got enough love despite having a killer design. Really happy she recently got introduced into Fire Emblem Heroes. You made me realize I have way too much gacha waifus. This is getting problematic.


Cyan From Show By Rock


Imp Midna from Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Jason Hager

Honolulu - Azur Lane


KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! ( Darkness/Dustiness Ford Lalatina)


Jibril - No Game No Life


Kaguya Luna - Virtual YouTuber

Erwin Doppler

Minneapolis from Azur Lane


Graf Zeppelin - Azur Lane


Oh this game, I've heard cool things about it. Is the game good? Cocoa btw looks a bit plain since I know nothing about her but I like her mimi and stockings. 7/10


Capcom needs to revive Darkstalkers after all their recent success. 10/10


Sakura is ok. I like her the least among the three og Fate girls tho. She's just too pure for my taste. 7.5/10


I watched just too little of black lagoon but I liked Revy. Everyone does. 8/10


Never warched Girls Bravo so I can only rate her from the appearance and she looks kind of generic. Her boobs look great tho 7/10


Do you mean her holy grail version? I like that one, but not a fan of her early stage artwork where she has that underneath top covering her breast just because tho. Early stage gets 6.5/10. Her final artwork gets 8/10.


I like her outfit a lot, very important outfit. She gets outclassed so much by Alice tho. 7.5/10


Ok I like Mina. It's just a shame that she gets absolutely no character development whatsoever and that's Horikoshi's fault to blame. She gets 7/10


I need to watch FLCL. From the appearance alone I can only give 7/10


hmm I'm unfortunately not into this one. I normally like many scantily clad cleric/priest/paladin designs but something about this one doesn't look right to my taste. The outfit doesn't have that much personality I guess? It just looks like generic JRPG sexy loli clerics to me. 6.5/10 like the white hair tho


I really like her hair, her outfit, her personality, everything. This is one of the best looking fire gym leader we ever get. 9/10


If you don't specify which game it's gonna be a bit hard since Zelda looks very distinct each games! Overall she's a very solid princess that every designs of hers aged very well. 8.5/10


I like Amira a lot. If she's in other franchise she will shine so much but since many other GBF are so flashy with unique character, Amira has gone forgotten a bit. 8/10


Oh wow I almost forgot about this awesome game. The thief is also my favorite. 8.75/10


Really like BB. Normal BB is 8.5/10. Gal girl BB is 9/10.


Nailah is awesome. Whoa I just saw her FEH artworks from this. She's even more badass in there. 9/10


Never watched Show By Rock but I definitely have seen her. Best looking girl in that show so far. 8/10


She looks damn cool as a character, but as a waifu, I have to consider a lot about it... I don't mind dwarf/midget character type but as an imp her long arms is kinda terrifying. 8.5/10 as a design perspective. 5/10 as a waifu


She looks so good. Definitely one of my favorite. Can't wait til I get to draw her on June 2018 batch. 9/10.


I already rated Darkness on the comment above and she gets 10/10! If you want, you can put in a new comment below for another waifu choice


Never watched NGNL but she looks nice as a character in this architype. 7.5/10


Such a cool character. Great looking personality for my appearance. Nekomimi, and also underboobs. Only thing preventing her from getting more fanarts is that her design is damn hard to draw. 8.5/10


I like AL's Graf way more than Kancolle's Graf. 8.5/10


Raphtalia - Rising of the Shield Hero


Tenshi Hinanawi - touhou my personal head canon is that she would be voiced by Wendee lee


Kaede Takagaki from The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls


I asked you about Akagi last time, so I wanna know about our newest fox waifu from AL, Amagi.


I don't know how well this would sound but... I kinda like Raphtalia as a kid more than her grown up form. Not as in a sexual way tho. She's just really pure and is a very good plot vessel. It's just that her outfit design and stuffs in her grown up form is just a little too all over the place. Loli Raph gets 8.5/10. Adult Raph gets 7/10.


The masochist of gensokyou gets 7/10. I'm just not a fan of most of the things on her outfit. I dislike rainbows and I feel like Zun kinda went "whatever" with her design overall. She's still above average in term of Touhou character designs though.


7.75/10. I was meh at her at first but the fandom and her fanarts grew on me really quick.


She's gorgeous, but in a way that's... a little bland. I like fox mimi. I like kimono, and I like her hair but I feel like she's just a pretty looking illustration of a character that I don't have any sort of feeling looking at her. It's a kind of character design that you won't know who this is if the tag doesn't say her name on an image site. Still really pretty though. 7.5/10


Grea from Granblue Fantasy


Grea actually has some really good design choice and I like her a lot but then again, comparing her to other GBF characters kinda got her spotlight stolen. 8/10.