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My big apology for delaying this announcement. Real life and health issues got in the way.

December's poll has come to an end and here are the results of what would be your rewards for January 2019's batch!

Sorceress won first. I had done her before wayyy back and this is a grand return for the majestic pair of titswitch. REALLY looking forward to this.

Bradamante won second. Ah, culture. We have tits, and now we have ass. This batch is looking to be catering both sides of the coin.

Spring Kagero as third! Finally it's time for her. Kagero got a bonus 2 points from losing to Magisa in the previous poll and that helped her winning over Zelda. Though I'm sure Zelda would get her chance sooner or later!


Again, as most of you know I'm on a big delay on delivering rewards, but you all will receive your supported monthly rewards eventually even after you're out of patron status. My big apology. I'm trying my hardest to catch up. 2019 has not started in the best way for me. Back condition issue got worse.

I have been having a compensation batch exchange system open so if you're a new patron who are interested in that, send me a message! I will explain it to you there.

You can check out my Rewards Archive to see what's coming up next as a reward. I will be updating this one into it as well.

Thank you for your supports and participation, guys! Have a great day!  



Jeroz Avlesair

love this set, can't wait to see them completed !


Every time I see your super enthusiastic summaries I think. Fuya, pay, give me address of that doc which prescribed you those pills for optimism. But I know that what's borderline "American level of optimistic retardants" can be genuine joy of work they have.


hell yeah Bradamante