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3 days ago I got this sudden back pain after I woke up and it made me unable to sit straight for more than 30 minutes. Could be because I lifted something heavy or I bent my back in a weird angle? I have no clue.

Now, the spinal pain has been bugging me and it's the main reason for the delay since June 2016. I went to see the doctor 2 years ago and got my back X-ray scanned and the doctor pointed out that the pain was caused by one of the spinal bone which seems "fractured" at the time. If you have been my patrons since then, this is a familiar issue I talk about.

But yesterday, after 3 days of continuous pain and it felt no better I decided to visit the doctor again since the matter is going nowhere. I got X-ray scanned again and this time the more bone focused specialist doctor was there so he made a better analysis.

He told me one of the lower spinal joint is missing which freaked me right out. The doctor said it's probably this way from birth but the issue starts showing effect now is because I have been gaining weight the past years. I'm not in a very bad shape but I'm not fit and firm either. It's not lethal or anything but my back muscles can become more fragile and easily damaged compared to the others since the spinal lacks one piece of support joint.

(To be fair I have no clue what's going on looking at the X-ray film either but that's what the doctor said. The circled area is where the joint is supposed to be missing but I'm still confused where exactly. I'm no doctor)

Seems like I need a little rest. I'm in accumulated pain typing this post. It got a lot better compared to the first day but I'm still in no condition to be spending time working on anything in front of the computer for too long... I got a lot of medicines to take and hopefully I could recover the muscle pain within a few days. I feel like I owe you guys an explanation for the lack of content lately. Earlier I was a little art blocked and now this. Towards the ending of 2018 aren't my days I guess.

Hope you guys are having a fantastic holidays!



Densetsu Meru

That's shitty, take care of yourself.


Enjoy your rest and try not to worry about work too much. I've got you fam.

Draven Shadow

So sorry to hear that you're not feeling good and I wish you a speedy recovery friend. Take your time with this cuz you don't want to fool around when it comes to your back. No worries about working for now so you can focus on getting better. 🙂


Keep yourself alive. Don't push yourself, man.


I swear 2018 has been the worst year for everyone

Frank Leo

are there any treatments recommended?

Red Lion

Don't worry about us. Focus on getting better. Try to see an Specialist to get some excercises to strenghten those muscles.

Reficul Terumi

Yikes. Just get some rest and heal up. Wish the best.


I need to be as fit as possible to reduce muscle strains and I need a good chair


Oh no, that's a shocking news D: do get some rest and I hope that something can be done to make you healthy again Fuya-san


Anything related to spine are serious issues. Hope you get better soon!