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Queen of Sheba from Fate/Grand Order.

NSFW preview on Pixiv with nipple shown >>> https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=70852031

Have to make this a semi-rough piece due to time limit on this batch, but honestly I even like it more than the full lining pieces I made recently...

Only one more bonus rough piece and we will be done with this batch!

January 2018 Patrons get the full uncensored versions. 


★ Tier 2 supporters ($10+) and above will get the high resolution JPGs, processing step breakdown, uncensored nudity versions and exclusive features.

★ Tier 3 supporters ($15+) will get the organized PSD file.




lickin' good

Draven Shadow

VERY yummy indeed!! XD