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Heya, I'm back.

Been away for a couple days. I had to drive back to my parents' house to attend my younger brother's wedding. 

It was quite a busy two days. Spent first day helping preparing the schedule and stuffs, then the actual wedding day with engagement ceremony in the morning then the wedding in the evening. Had to stand and walk all day since 5 AM til midnight. My feet still sore like hell.

As an older brother with long term relationship with my gf but no marriage plan yet though, I swear I was asked more than hundred times that day if my wedding is next in line soon? If not, why is that? What's holding me from marrying my girl? I just spammed my reply being we still don't have plan for it yet since there are so much works for us to do and we're quite busy atm (Me and my gf have talked about it numerous times that we don't want to rush it.)

It's annoying that we as a couple have been together for so many years that in a Southeastern country where I live, there's this social agenda that sees such act as disrespectful if a man and a woman live together without holding wedding ceremony first, and I swear I never heard any Western peeps saying so in my life. Even if they do, it's just a joking remark, but I swear people make such a fuss over this issue in Asia.

So yeah anyway, I'm back! Please allow me to rest my feet and back for a day before I start working on the next batch. I also updated my Rewards Archive as well.


Will Martin-Foster

I have some friends who were dating for the better part of 11 years and FINALLY got married 2 years ago. When you "feel" it's right, you'll drop that diamond bomb shell. In the mean time, congrats to your brother! I'm not one for weddings, just the reception. The food is always the best part, lol.


It's hard to do so many things. Please remember to rest more.by the way, I wish you good luck~❤

Densetsu Meru

The Asian mindset about relationships is weird and probably due to some held back conservatism on their part. Though the same can be said about the West depending on where they're from (typically the more religious heavy places).


I had no idea such thing could be a problem (maybe because I'm a westerner). But trust me it's probably way better than your family straight up skipping your turn when everyone gets asked about relationship status. Don't forget to enjoy what you have because it is very valuable. Rest well and have fun! We'll be waiting for your new pieces.

Frank Leo

Welcome Back