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Mallow from Pokemon Sun/Moon. Mao is her original Japanese name fyi. 

Thought it'd be nice to make a bathing scene since white soap cream contrast well with her tan skin. I also wanted to drop in actual face of male Pokemon Sun/Moon protagonist since it's been a while that I haven't drawn actual face of a male character (it's nothing different really but you get the idea)

The reason why I put in the game's male protagonist but not Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) ? Because I hate Ash. That's why.



Reficul Terumi

“Because I hate Ash. That's why.“ Amen to that. This one looks very promising.


I'd rather take a game protagonist over Ash any day. So very good call there. :v



Erwin Doppler

Ash will always stay 10 years old and never get older he has a cursed existence.