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Hey there. Haven't written blogs for a while.

I actually have just updated My Anime List after registering an account years ago and haven't touched it. Been seeing lots of you guys in the West having MAL account and I always enjoy going through my friends' lists but I haven't made one myself, so here it is.

There would be several animes that I forgot I watched and have not put into the lists. You will also see that I dropped soooo many animes because I just didn't find their first few episodes fun enough to keep me invested, or may be that I've already read their mangas and their manga origin were far superior. I always prefer good mangas than good animes, but that's just me.

So yeah if you're interested in just knowing what I've watched and what I do like or don't, feel free to visit my list >>> https://myanimelist.net/animelist/FuyaHana

And of course, you're super welcome to drop your thoughts/questions on my scores in the comment, or even drop your MAL if you made one. It's fun to see opinions.

Man, I wish they have MAL for hentai doujinshis.




Yeah VN, LN or manga the original material is often vastly superior. My favourite is still Spice and Wolf though (followed closely by fate : zero), I think they handled it really well on this one. Nothing over the top or too fancy but the atmosphere is quite unique and plot twists + character development are well executed. Surprisingly good musics too. By the way the scene in Darling in the Franxx where we see 02 swimming reminded me a lot of the first encounter with Holo, I doubt it was intentional but the similarities are striking. The feeling of awe from the sheer beauty ("The strands that fell down her neck to her collarbone drew a line so beautiful it put the finest painting of the Virgin Mary to shame"), the female being naked but not self conscious about it etc...

fuya (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-31 01:30:24 tbh it is kinda a character trope with female characters being naked and aware yet don't care that some people treat it as a cliche at some point but I can totally see that. I haven't watched Spice & Wolf but I read some manga episodes but I did it really early so I caught up and stopped but never returned to it for some reason. Guess I'd watch the anime instead if I have time, and yeah to me VN, LN, and mangas are usually far better than their anime adaptations so lots of the time I'm not excited looking forward to new releasing animes being adaptation pieces. That's the reason I only gave Death Note a 7 when I actually gave its manga a 10. I just cant give much credits to animes that just follow exactly what the mangas provided and got all the fame for that.
2018-03-18 23:03:10 tbh it is kinda a character trope with female characters being naked and aware yet don't care that some people treat it as a cliche at some point but I can totally see that. I haven't watched Spice & Wolf but I read some manga episodes but I did it really early so I caught up and stopped but never returned to it for some reason. Guess I'd watch the anime instead if I have time, and yeah to me VN, LN, and mangas are usually far better than their anime adaptations so lots of the time I'm not excited looking forward to new releasing animes being adaptation pieces. That's the reason I only gave Death Note a 7 when I actually gave its manga a 10. I just cant give much credits to animes that just follow exactly what the mangas provided and got all the fame for that.

tbh it is kinda a character trope with female characters being naked and aware yet don't care that some people treat it as a cliche at some point but I can totally see that. I haven't watched Spice & Wolf but I read some manga episodes but I did it really early so I caught up and stopped but never returned to it for some reason. Guess I'd watch the anime instead if I have time, and yeah to me VN, LN, and mangas are usually far better than their anime adaptations so lots of the time I'm not excited looking forward to new releasing animes being adaptation pieces. That's the reason I only gave Death Note a 7 when I actually gave its manga a 10. I just cant give much credits to animes that just follow exactly what the mangas provided and got all the fame for that.

pengin senshi

I hear from a lot of people that the manga, VN, LN or what have you is usually better than the anime rendition, but I barely read any of that stuff, if it even gets licensed in America in the first place. Although, more publishers have been pushing for Light Novels in the last few years, so even that has changed. It's probably a good thing that I don’t have prior experience with the source material; I get to be ignorant and hopefully enjoy the anime more! On the other hand, if the anime adaptation is crap, but the source is great, I’d miss out. But with so much anime out there, I’d just move on to the next one and hope it’s better. Anyway, here’s my MAL profile, even though I’m still in the process of adding all of the shows. Since you can also enter dates, I’m trying to remember general time frames when I actually watched the shows, so it’s taking me a lot longer 😅 <a href="https://myanimelist.net/profile/pengin_senshi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://myanimelist.net/profile/pengin_senshi</a>

pengin senshi

Oh, and Monster is a good choice! Although, I hear the anime follows the manga pretty closely, so maybe it's actually not a good choice for you... (but I don't think I saw Monster in your manga list, so I guess you'll be fine.) It really takes it's time to setup everything, so it's sometimes a little slow.


If the animes came out and I have not read the manga/VN yet, I will definitely just ignore the source material and jump straight into watching their anime adaptations, but lots of the adaptation shows I watched, I already read their source materials so it's just hard to give the adaptations lots of credits, especially when you read the manga and have high expectation for certain scenes but the animes don't deliver leaving you such anti-climatic feeling. To me, OPM, Death Note, and probably lots of other shows I forgot to put up there fall into that. It's not that I always prefer reading mangas over animes, but if the mangas are good, I rarely encounter anime adaptations that surpass the execution from the mangas. There are tons of mangas that are just not good enough and the animes improved a whole lot of that, too. Non Non Biyori for example. For Monster, I've read it wayyyy back when I was a kid and Monster's original mangas won tons of awards so I checked it out and being a kid enjoying mostly shounens at that time, I had no clue what's going on in Monster's manga so I dropped it after reading like 10 issues but revisiting it in anime form now, it's such a great piece of work. Still can't give it high scores yet since I already watched only 7 episodes of it.