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Got an email from this guy who... did not claim to be anyone in charge of anything. I responded to him because I think it's funny. May be I shouldn't have done that, but I did.

What are you guys' thought? He's either obviously just a troll or a very seriously sad SJW tho...



Densetsu Meru

Looks like some butt hurt artist who is jealous of your work and your lewds.


Someone's tilted. Pretty funny they could bark off so much completely false information tho. Maybe it's because you didn't draw their waifu in specific.

Ryot Control

Honestly? That is the most polite "Fuck you buddy" response I've read in a while.

Densetsu Meru

Googling 'Samurai Fox Studios' also led me to their identity and 'work'


You definitely should have replied to him. If somebody is going to flat out lie in an attempt to bully you and get you to stop doing what you are doing despite the fact that you are doing nothing wrong then they should be responded to. I believe you responded in an appropriate manner.


If he did it as a publicity stunt, then he might have succeeded. Then again, people like him aren't worth mentioning to put it bluntly.


That was a very good answer. 👍


Hi Fuya, Nothing wrong with what you did, your response was actually well written, polite and precise. After looking at his website he appears to be a troll for life or a very, very, very sad person I can’t even (or just barely) imagine how pitiful. If it’s the latter it might simply be a miserable attempt born out of envy or other unsightly negative emotions to make you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. Given your reaction and reply I don’t think you are feeling either, which is appropriate. And if not you should just relax as if anything was amiss with your content you would get a friendly reminder from a legitimate account. Though I doubt this to be the first E-mail of such or similar kind that you’ve received so was this one simply especially funny/desperate or was it perhaps truly the first message of this kind that you’ve received?


wouldn't chalk it up to "sjws" but it's probably just someone who got upset because Fictional Minors Get Drawn Like That All The Time


It wasn't the first message I've got like you have guessed of course, but it's the first time I got this kind of thing in an email form, showing that this guy spent effort looking up for a way to contact me directly, and went so far to look up that I live in Thailand and researched the Thai laws on the said issue. This guy... really needs a hobby lol.


Less of an SJW and more like of a miserable artist. Just checked his website and I think I'm gonna need to bleach my eyes. Your works are lightyears beyond him so it probably triggered him to try taking you down and sound like a smartass. I salute you though for being very civilized and gave him a very well-mannered response. Kudos to you!!

Couch Almark

I really do wish you hadn't brought this up. I didn't need to know your politics. I just wanted to fap to your art.


Troll trying really hard, but I don't think that's how a SJW would act like. Anyway well handled (=゚ω゚)ノ

Frank Leo

trolls will be trolls


Dat "pedrophile" though


I stated that most of the "Blog" tags are just additional stuffs mostly unrelated to my drawings. You can skip the Blogs if you're here just for the drawing part :)