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January 2016's batch was completed and delivered! Please check your Patreon message to grab the download link if you were a patron for January 2017 and your pledge went through successfully.

To you guys wondering why in the hell I'm posting January's batch in May, yeah... I'm on a 4 months delay. Your rewards will be delivered eventually when you successfully support, me, but not right away obviously. We will get there, but slow. I'm sorry for this huge mess!

Also my Gumroad has been updated with January's contents. If you missed January's rewards because you had not become my patron in time, this is where you could grab them!

My Gumroad store >> https://gumroad.com/fuya

New items

  • January 2017 Contents Package
  • Graf Zeppelin - NSFW Package
  • Mika Jougasaki - NSFW Package
  • Ishtar - NSFW Package
  • Lillie - NSFW Package

Thank you for your supports =)

If you have any feedback on the January 2017's contents, please feel free to give your comment here!

PS. I'm pretty sure I accidentally put in a Gumroad note on the actual Patreon's reward package delivery lol. I'm sorry about that XD It's not affecting anything though.




Is this for all january's patreons? Or just certain level? Cuz I got nothing lol


Hello Angel Pelaez, the rewards delivery would be for Tier 2 and above patrons. Tier 1 only gets access to the patron feeds, WIPs, and Poll access. I'm really sorry ;_;


Don't be sorry! Thanks for answering my question :)



