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HELLOOOOO everybody! Super insane month but lets get ready for the montly content dropppppp whooooo!

Started off this month horribly sick AGAIN and was con crunching for katsu con, a big con on the east coast thats very much a cosplay showcase. (Well not so much for me this year whomp whomp) i couldnt do what i wanted to do for builds but i think i still served a little with these easier cosplays!

I really couldnt have done much more, doing the armor for gorou....sheesh my hands were shaking so bad from flu body aches, i made so many mistakes! But we pulled through got the con done and im literally leaving tonight at midnight to go to emerald city comic con! (I need a nap lol)

So i have four albums to drop today!

Egghead zoro, and Female Law Trafalagar from the most recent one piece episodes, gorou from genshins canon outfit (finally) featuring a guest from the uk! The ever wonderful emberwolf. And the last set is valentines spicy Power from chainsaw man!

Lets gooooooo!!!



Jim W

So much amazing content. Thank you as always 😃

S Halwood

Translation: We eating good! 🔥