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Due to the absolutely hellish month i have had i was not able to fulfill shoots for patreon, i used up my backlog last month and have no hat tricks so...

I will be promptly REFUNDING everyone so you are not charged for this month. Currently i can only refund one person at a time so please be patient as i make my way through. I did contact support so hopefully they can help with that😅👍 but as soon as i finish some final moving out stuff i will be going through to each and everyone of you and giving you that refund. Expect to see it by tomorrow at the most

This will be the First and Last time i will do this. I have always pulled through when things have been hard but i just couldnt this time. And I apologize. I appreciate the patience and understanding you have given me during all of this

I am however officially moved out of the hell hole of a house and am on my way to anime expo with new cosplays which means next month (july) will be back to normal. My broken toe is also almost fully healed up again too.

Posting, cosplay, crafting, photos will be back to normal finally.

Again i am so sorry to have to resort to refunding everyone i hope you can understand and will stick around for whats next




Please don’t send me a refund


Please also keep mine. Your content brings alot of joy and you are a genuinely holesum bean. I can't give you a for real hug so pretty please accept a financial and virtual one.


Hey, a hard month seems like the time you need patronage more, not less.


I’m happy to support, no refund needed


Hi, I was able to read your message only now due to a thousand problems at work. I understand very well what you mean and these moments can happen, so just think about recovering and producing what you love. I agree with whoever wrote it before, I don't want a refund. A virtual hug.


Life happens. Don't worry about refunding. I'm happy just knowing that you're still out here being a a wonderful human bean and having fun making content 😁❤️


Hey Bukkit - please either don’t refund me or let


me know how to donate. I support you, and appreciate everything you do


Dont worry about refunding me. We are here to support your cosplaying and know that sometimes life happens. Hopefully things get better for you soon!

Matt Wagen

Yeah you work hard, no need for refunds.

Tom Tom

I'm good without refunds, I was just wondering when some of the dropbox links were gonna comeback up?