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Happy holidays my lovelies 🥰

as you can see I’ve been pretty Absent from content making as I said I would be for this month

if you happened to join this month and are a little confused that’s understandable! i highly suggest you use the hashtag system on my posts too check out all the full photo albums posted! Every photo set I’ve released should be under that tag and there is TONS to look at! im going through my Dropbox again as well to see what other expired links I can save and repost.

this Month felt it flew by so fast, holidays am I right? 😅 between family issues, getting gifts, mailing stuff out, keeping calm, booster shot and travel, it felt like a whirlwind

but I did get to look back on a lot of things and think about where I want myself to go for the future.

i thought I’d get into makeup more this month but I didn’t. The few things I had planned fell through thanks to shipping again and just ugh. Well I’m supposed to be forcing myself to chill the fuck out on content making anyways 😅

but I am excited for January as stuff for tracer, catra and yoimiya came in! And I’d love for those cosplays to be shot next month so I hope you’ll stick around!

My creative burn out is slowly healing. I realized I pushed myself into a way worse spot than I thought. when I finally allowed myself to just stop for once this month I started having anxiety nightmares about failing everyone and those types of dreams  where you wake up frantic feeling like you forgot a huge homework assignment due that day. Soooo I’m working on healing that, because that is never a good space to create from 😅

I miss making art , I miss my spark that used to shine so bright but I know I’ll get there again!

im going be taking big steps into redoing my work space so it is actually functional rather than soemthing I threw togther that sort of worked while I was doing everything else and had no time to make it nice!

id love to show you guys the progress pics on that!

but don’t forget to go through all those old albums! There is so much to see! Definitely worth it!

cant wait to be over my booster shot so I can cosplay tracer tbh! she has always been my dream!

im sorry I couldn’t get to more this month, of course that was also the point of my break in the first place, but  again I hope you’ll stick around to see more of me and enjoy those ild albums! it’s been like six full albums a month for almost three years! Plenty to see




Glad you're taking your time resting up! Hopefully you find all of your joy again 🥰 hope you have a safe and happy new year ❤


Glad you were taking the time for you! Happy Holidays!

Gilbert Creemers

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. Take all the time you need. Your health is more imperative than our entertainment! We’ll be here when you get back! ❤️ glad you are doing better!

Dragon 42

Hope you get your rest in for the holidays!

Dragon 42

What tier are the old sets posted on? Im in the foxglove tier but only the previews are visible?


Yay to mental health, though those snow pictures make me want to grab a blanket even in Texas.


Don’t worry about rushing back, everything you’ve done so far is amazing! So take all the time you need!