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For everyone to see because I really don’t like them! 😅 I’m trying but I can’t 

this is  not the level cosplay I know I can achieve 

the costume and the location are gorgeous 

but hate my face in every single one of these. I couldn’t not squint because it was so bright, if I opened my eyes I immediately started crying And running eyeliner down my face 

I’m extremely bummed. you all are nice and so positive and supportive and I thank you. I’m just venting 

we drove a total of 10 hours for this shoot and had to get a hotel for night. a lot of work went in to this and the result  doesn’t reflect the level of skill I know I have. It hurts. Zoe looks absolutely gorgeous tho! 

I will putting on howl soon again to feel better. Be waited years and years to cosplay howl. I thought I’d have this wonderful gender euphoria moment but instead my eyes betrayed me and I ruined the pics. Someday I’ll have to try this again. Find some other flowers. 




You look great! The sun is bright. Nothing you can do about that unless you wanted Howl to wear sunglasses. 😎 You're being too hard on yourself. ❤️

Lon Niedermayer

I won't contradict you if you're not happy with them, but thanks for sharing so we can enjoy them for you!


Tbh howl planning out a nice photo shoot with his love just to have his perfect set up somewhat ruined by something as simple as the sun is pretty on brand lol. Still looks great though. The flowers make for an awsome backdrop regardless of the sun issues. Now you just gotta embrase the bit and do an alt evil looking howl eating the sun. Boom your idea to use lol. Keep your chin up, it takes integrity to put so much effort into your art, see an issue with it and still strive to do better. Just remember that you were willing to put in a lot of effort to provide such quility content. Cause i still got to see some cool cosplay of characters i love so it was plenty worth it to me at least. :)

Reynard Vulptease

Who would have imagined a photo shoot could get ruined by the sun in Oregon! Sorry you had a hard time - they still came out great. And you got to shoot with Zoe.

Brian Brady

Nothing is perfect, and while I think you look great in these I also feel you cuz I’m my own harshest critic too sometimes. When I find myself judging my work too hard I think of baseball, a sport where the best athletes get paid millions to get a hit only 30% of the time. You put a lot of work into the shoot tho and that’s what is most impressive


These are all so gorgeous! I love that outfit too. Howl is a big crush haha