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Another album of random photos taken throughout the month! 

a look at what I don’t always post but it’s fun to share here with y’all! A little behind the scenes action sort of! it makes me happy to share these! I hope you like them too 

let’s see this monthhhh

titania (my dog) is still as cute as ever (obviously lol) 

I got fully vaccinated and it knocked me out for more than a few days lol 

i had Emma and theo over to my house where we helped them relax from their car break in where all their work stuff was stolen, and then we helped theo launch his very first design clothing piece! That was so exciting and fun!!

we made chocolate cake with chocolate mousee and  raspberry puree  filling and chocolate ganache on top! which was the  result after a lot of failure, if you saw the stream on Emmas Channel it was CHOAS. I could not make a good buttercream for the life of me which was so weird since it used to be something I made everyday when I was a baker! it was so frustrating cause I didn’t know what was wrong but alas the end result was tasty from what we salvaged!

and yesterday june 27th we celebrated funians birthday!

and the rest of the time I’ve been dealing with some personal stuff and  working and trying not to be too anxious about going down to la To see my family. It’s the first time I’ve really been to a big city since pandemic and I’ve been mostly hidden in my house far away from people. I go out in public now and get panic attacks really quickly. I’m so not used to it. It’s been zapping a lot of my energy. who knows might be Lowkey agoraphobic 😅 I’m sure I’ll be fine if I just breathe! 

many ways I already accidentally this whole caption once and I can’t remember what I said the first time. I think I covered it all 🤦. Goddammit lol oops 

just trying to survive this heat wave 

my brain is melting hahah hahhhh 😭




Some beautiful scenery in a lot of these pics!!