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Fae of the mountain!


I keep telling myself everytime I visit the mountains I gotta do a shoot here that flows with the environment! Just like how I used to with my mom when I was young before Instagram but then I always get to the mountains and my mind feels so at peace and at home that I just want to exist in the moment.

But this time with the help of friends I was able to pull something out of the hat!

Emma Theo and I adore fairies and we all have fairy wings, but emma and Theo hadn’t worn theirs yet really, hadn’t tasted that fairy euphoria yet so I was like 👀👀👀 ummmm fairies of the mountains?  They said yes 😌

Unfortunately Emma, after doing ALL their makeup, had to take it all off to go to the hospital. They are fine! They had stubbed their toe real gnarly and we all thought the bone was showing and good lord there was so much blood. We decided hospital trip was best. Emma told us to continue the shoot though because they just wanted to deal with the hospital alone knowing Theo and I had far more panic and anxiety about the whole situation than Emma did lol.

That’s aside! We had a blast, Emma was able to join us later on to hang out and we got to show them a couple really cool places. But gods it Was SO SO SO WINDY! And wearing fairy wings was NOT IT. I thought I was going get blown away! And the costume and wig keep flying every which way! Made it very hard to get a good photo LOL.

But I hope you like my take on what a fairy of the mountains would look like ! I began to think it quite fun to try and think about fairies in different environments other than dense forest. What would they look like? Similar thought to how would a lake mermaid  be different from an ocean mermaid. Based on the environment they grew up in what’s traits would they develop? For a mountain fairy I felt that they would love earth tones, neutrals and warm feeling. They would have furs that they collect from passed on animals from natural causes for the cold season in the snow but in the summer be wearing something light and breezy. They could probably fly the highest out of any fairy types due to elevation and being used to thin air. I feel like they would be a very sturdy group of being. Very used to survival through the winter, very capable and tough. But as the sun comes and warms the earth and spring flower deep through they are be found spending most of their day sleeping in a lush meadow.

I want to try and do more inspired fantasy creatures with this same sort of idea!
