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Hewwo I’m still alive shocker I know, I made this video to talk about some important stuff so it would mean a lot to me if you watched it.
im really sorry for not being active the first half of the month that doesn’t mean I don’t have a bunch of content to share! 

things keep falling out of order and I kind of felt embarrassed to show my face on here. I kind of felt like a failure and I didn’t want you guys to see that.

but it’s more important for me to be honest with you guys so thank you for being patient with me and trying to understand!
anyways please watch this video and then I’ll get to posting some photo shoots for you guys!.


Important life update



Your well-being is most important and it’s not your fault that the post office is being difficult. We will still be here for you if you want to take a break. Just because you’re a force for good in the world and for others doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing for you to step back and do good for yourself, in fact I’m sure we’d all encourage you to take time to take care of yourself.


Completely agree with everyone else, and support you doing what's best for you 100%!


Your welcome being is the most important thing. Do what you need to do for you.


Please please take care of yourself ok. If you need a break take it. Your health must always come first no matter what. Also the post office has been an absolute disaster so that's not your fault. But seriously do what you need to do. We'll be here when you get back and feel better


Here for you. You’re health is #1.


Your mental and physical health is most important! Don't worry about us ❤

Reynard Vulptease

Is it time to expand your staff a little? Delegate some duties? I hate even the idea of you stressing out. And I'll keep Patreoning come what may. I'm in for the long haul. And you don't have to knock yourself out doing these fantastic cosplays. We're here just to spend time too. Flip the camera on, go out on the deck, find a chair and read a book. We'll watch the water go by with you. Besides, you're lucky. Otters will probably swim by and stop to fish.

Brian Brady

Mental health > whoever is gonna leave. Do what you gotta do to be happy and healthy, we’ll understand


We love you! So do what you need to. I can say personally that you won't lose me as a patron and I assume that's the case for many. You deserve health, happiness, and to feel good about things. I hope you find the space and energy you need, however or whatever that may be!

Gilbert Creemers

If you feel you need to take a break, please do! Your health is more important than our entertainment! You won't lose me as a patron and I think the same goes for more of us!

joel young

mental health is just as important as physical health. you do what you have to take all the me-time you need we understand and it's not your fault with the mail you shouldn't feel bad about stuff you cant controle.