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Oh gosh! Finally finished editing these!!! I had to correct body paint and paint the white of my eyes black! Also SO WEIRD but anytime I painted the white of my eyes black I instantly looked less happy in the photos 😂🤣😂 I was NOT prepared or used to this! But I wanted to be as accurate as possible! Maybe when I finally figure out how to wear scelera contacts that will just cover the white of my eyes with black I’ll learn how to alter my expressions so I can actually show dorky joy on a character like mina!

Live and learn I suppose!! So happy to have finally done a Christmas Mina though I was supposed to do it LAST year at HOLMAT but that feel through! I love being this pink queen though and she will be back with full hero outfit! I was gonna change outfits but this is when I scratched my eye and I was very irritated and in pain but didn’t really know what was happening.....which is why I probably don’t seem too energetic in these photos 😅 I’m so sorry.

But I hope you enjoy this little album!

Shooting more stuff today!



Reynard Vulptease

The pictures are Perfect. Take care of that eye!