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So I don’t know if you’ve watched the anime yuri on ice but it’s one season about figure skating and I love it. But anyways FINALLY cosplayed from it

Zo_tama was like what if we did this.... and did it in ugly Christmas overalls and I was just...YES


We were absolutely giggling messes through this whole entire day but it was just so fun and ridiculous. I felt so happy to see her because she’ll be the only friend of family I see this holiday season so it felt nice to celebrate with someone.

This album is just full of silliness that makes me smile! So I hope you guys have a laugh too!

I’m off to finish today’s shoot!!



Reynard Vulptease

I love seeing you two together! And Doggo! But wait! No costume for doggo?!? Not even whovian antlers??? I love seeing you THREE together!