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SO IM A LITTLE FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW LOL cause I wrote this really long caption for you guys and it was really nice and then Patreon froze on me andddddddd deleted everything cool cool cool

anyways I will try to rewrite this to the best of my ability lol but oof PAINFUL

Oh well c’est la vie

also hi firstly! whew! Stuff has been crazy for me getting Christmas family mailing and Patreon mailing and then the extra mailing of the holiday cards. BUT TODAY we are all done, so I can go back to dressing up and taking pics and making videos. The fun stuff!!! My favorite stuff

But yes! This is a small album cause gods I was so uncomfy in this look lol

Trying to self shoot in blind contacts? Uhhhhh I don’t recommend it lol I could really tell how the lighting was doing so I ended up with a lot of out of focus or badly lit photos 🤦 I have learned my lessons lol 😅

But from what I was able to salvage! I think they turned out pretty cool! I added the makeup journey video for the look in the album

And I posted a ton more makeup journeys on YouTube I gotta remember to use that site more often 🤦 in terriblé I’m so sorry

But this look was kind of a collab piece! The ears were made by raspberry_neko on Instagram!!! Who had reached out a while back asking artist to help create photos for their website on exchange for ears and well of course I had to jump on that chance.

I thought it would be cool to use these ears to create a sort of angel look! And well this is what tuned out! It’s kind of bizarre but I kind of also love it . Though I wish I could have seen better lol

But in terms of what’s to come! Jack Frost album drops tomorrow! Which is also the cosplay that was for polaroids this month.

My friend Zoe will be visiting this weekend to do victor and yuri from yuri on ice, (apparently yuri is a censored name on Patreon.... even though it’s the dudes name) and retsuko and Haida from aggretsuko! So that’s fun and then I have an holiday white and gold angel look planned will be a full outfit and then the spice shoot

Maybe shooting Christmas Mina tomorrow and then if I can cosplay krampus....and maybe the stuff for bakugou will be here too. But still lots to look forward too!




I love this look so much! what did you use for the gold it's soooo pigmented?