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IMPORTANT use password : rainbow
IMPORTANT use password : rainbow 

rainbow dash makes a full return! In this spice album and another I’m currently editing of my original outfit for her! 

I really love how this cosplay really pulls me into being so colorful and vibrant! Something I feel I don’t usually go for! My color palettes are usually more earth tone based. so it’s always really fun to be different for a change.

I made this cosplay a year ago for pride and never it wore it again until now 😅 the makeup is just techincal and sometimes I can be very impatient oop 

my very first my little pony cosplay though was YEARS ago when I was still in high school and I cosplayed apple jack! and My friends were twilight sparkle and rainbow dash.  And honestly I love her so I’m trying to make it a goal this fall to finally take my apple jack cosplay to an apple orchard! 

i Hope you guys enjoy this album! Im getting more the hang of home studio shooting even if it is a giant back drop that’s currently taking up my bedroom with lights every where. We joke that if someone walked in to our room and had no context of what I do I’m prettyyyy sure they would think we filmed p*rn or soemthing 😅 

but unpacking more will help move that out of the bedroom so we can have a normal ish room again hahaha.

i really like the cloud effect in this shoot 🥺👉👈 I can wait to use it again! 



Briar Rosie

This is one of my all time favorites of yours because the outfit and the energy are so loud and proud, and I love the in your face queer energy!

Reynard Vulptease

These shots are fantastic. I'm in the clouds again! 83 and 84 are my favorites, along with a few others! Will this one be one of your stickers?