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was I maybe heavily influenced by the internet for this photo shoot? Yes, yes I was. Do I regret my life choices that led me here? No, no I do not.

i hope you enjoy this silliness! And are excited about the LOADS of content coming your way until the end of the month!

almost everyday will have a new album!

after this one we have bunny suit link and a cute rainbow bunny girl 

And today I’m shooting raven, hero outfit and causal/boudoir outfit!

and maybe a surprise look I haven’t figure out yet!

thank you everyone for your patience with my somewhat absence this month. I am going crazy with stress from moving , family issues, covid scares and what not. So i have not had much time to myself Or just general things. So again a huge thank you. This is a very big moment in my life and just thank you for being a part of it and helping support me through it.

love you all very much. And it still brings me the utmost joy to share my art with you 

thank you 



Jesus Rodriguez

One my favorites so far! Thank you for blessing us !!

Briar Rosie

This himbo hooters trend has been the blessing that keeps on giving. This look is in incredible!