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I will probably be switching over to google drive or google pics at this point

Since this is the third fucking time and I’m so tired of it

I am so sorry for any inconvenience



No worries :3


No problem at all


First time I've witnessed you this irritated.


Oh lol because I cursed? I actually do that a lot irl hahah But it is indeed frustrating because it’s affecting your guys accessibility to my content! And that makes me angy! They took down my links on a base of a copyright claim, which doesn’t make sense because my photos are obviously all ones that I have taken and are of me! It really just doesn’t make sense and is frankly annoying hahah I don’t know why it keeps happening


It's not your fault. We understand. There's only so much you can do and technology can be a pain in the butt.


Thank you for trying so hard for us ❤️

Devin Courtney

Dropbox has not been wanting to load very well for me lately I think they are just having trouble all around


Unless someone is claiming to be you and trying to get money from your content. And the cursing was just unexpected.


Hahah sorry about that You’re right it always is a little shocking I’ll do better to not curse in the future! It was unnecessary


Grrrr I know I upload videos and then they never want to play for people! *shakes fist in the air* curse You dropbox!

Douglas Salley

Sharing the sentiments of above, no worries at all but can certainly understand the frustration.


Personally, I disagree. The situation justified it, and I have no objection to it. As long as it's not every other word, it's perfectly fine.

Drew Hill

No problem, we all understand.


All good 😁

Avery Vazquez

Is there a link we can click on now? Drop box really dropped the ball