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I’ll be driving through my absolute favorite place in the entire world soon ; the eastern Sierra Nevada mountain range and this is what the environment looks like! High Alpine desert, with looks for great craggy rocks and such!

If you guys have ideas for some more simple looks, creatures, characters, outfit that could be shot here I would love to hear! I won’t be able to throw a big thing together but I dooo have a lot of work with in my closet!

What does this environment inspire in you? What do you feel would be good here? What fits this landscape?

Can be the beginning of an orginal character/creature or a simple cosplay/one you’ve seen from me already!



Valerie DeCoy

All I can see is Breath of the Wild 😭😭😭 Rock climbing Link with his bandana on, or with his Hylaian hood up in the early morning or dusk foraging for herbs and mushrooms. Forests/mountains are so moody and dramatic and they are so so fun to shoot. I also see dragon Kirishima spying on a campsite and looking through campers things curiously ugh my heart 😭❤️ You can't go wrong, Bukkit 😂

Hoover Tesla

I agree with a lot of the other comments, I'm just excited to see a shoot in the mountains I grew up in!!

Dragon 42

Hey i sent some questions about sets and never got a response :(

Douglas Salley

I have forgotten her name, I am so sorry but the hogwarts counsellor on like her spring break reconnecting with land.


Hmm so many ideas


Werewolf cowboy/prospector?


Poison Ivy and Ivysaur mashup, Poison Ivysaur

Hoover Tesla

An hour east of Sacramento in a small town called Jackson. My mom moved back there to her parents after she got divorced so I grew up in the foothills and we all still go back there every year. I've gone through and did all the Mormon trail hikes. Lake Tahoe, of course, sledding every year, before the drought. We take highway 88 home so Silver Lake and... I'm forgetting the other one... crap... anyways, I haven't back recently sadly, but lots of good memories. It's cool to see someone else know those mountains! I live in Utah now so they talk about the wellsvilles here. Sorry for the windy sentence, just excited!

Drew Hill

This type of landscape always reminds me of the old westerns I use to watch with my dad. I was thinking it would be cool if you did some kinda cowboy/fantasy hybrid. Another idea would be some kinda Firefly shoot, looos alot like the landscape from the show.


Maybe like a woodland fairy???

Reynard Vulptease

Hobbit!!! Then an Elf! And Funian can be a future King. Then a dark rider or an ORC! Then a giant spider! maybe not that last one.


It never tells me that you post anymore 😖 but I am definitely getting Breath of the Wild Link vibes from these pictures!!

Joel Serna

Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn would be amazing! Her story canonically takes place in the Colorado/utah-ish region so you see very similar geography in the game. And the sequel heads west towards the pacific coast, likely crossing the sierra nevada