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I tried this cosplay anddddd absolutely just hated it, which is always just so annoying to me. idk why I had jjst such a negative reaction to this look, but I could hardly stand it. I do always TRY to get some pics and tiktoks tho no matter what but it wasn’t much.

i did enjoy using my front yard for photos 

one of my favorite things about thsi verh shitty house is the wisteria growing everywhere that blooms ever spring. And it’s fun because wisteria seed pods literally EXPLODE

its WILD

so here’s what we salvaged of this cosplay I might try another makeup look, but Haru has black eyes and these contacts just freak me the fuck out 😂  




You look incredible! 😁 It's a shame you didn't vibe with it but it happens~ Yo exploding seed pods sounds hype tho 😜

Brian Brady

I love the cosplay, but I get what ya mean. Haru’s eyes are all black and it almost makes her look dead inside, gives off a bit of a spooky vibe

Reynard Vulptease

You may have absolutely hated it but you're absolutely beautiful in it. It may have been freaky to shoot and edit, but those dark eyes pull you in ! They actually look like they are midnight-blue in some shots.

Star DeSang

Would doing it in a color your comfortable in and editing the eye color maybe lessen the feeling? Regardless I really do appreciate how you still power trough things and manage to still create such wonderful art I really love your work and the way you share your passion with us thank you so much !


Very beautiful!


I feel like your eyes are a big part of your sets, they're so expressive. Was afraid the black contacts might take away from that, but this turned out lovely!